dwellons / DonationLog

An application that allows users to log and track donors and donation types, amounts, dates and other information.
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Checkpoint 1 ready for review #1

Closed dwellons closed 2 months ago

dwellons commented 3 months ago

@pawaitemadisoncollege I have checkpoint 1 ready for review! I will double check that you see this after I invited you to the repository

pawaitemadisoncollege commented 3 months ago

Hi @dwellons!

Thanks for sharing your indie project checkpoint 1! You are off to a very solid start (I see some code already!) and have such a meaningful project to work on.

Following are my observations, suggestions and questions:

Problem statement

Does a good job laying out the problem and explaining how your application solves it.

User stories

Your MVP user stories feel like they are right-sized for the semester while meeting the requirements of Ent Java - for example, full CRUD. That said, sometimes I am too optimistic/ambitious, so let's both keep an eye on how things progress and what, if anything needs to be delayed to V2.

Project plan

Looks familiar!

Screen design


Reflection statements/Time Log

Great work consistently tracking!


dwellons commented 3 months ago

@pawaitemadisoncollege hello! I corrected most of these but the other ones thought we should decide more before moving forward.

Should any user need to log in? Is there a need to track who entered a donation? I think this could go either way, I can see a need for tracking who entered the donations, but my concern is that everyone would need a username then and I think that would start to get to be too much for some of the people that would be using it. I had an idea that there could just be a "volunteer" username that they could share, its not a good idea to have a shared user like that but in this situation it might be a solution. Something I'm thinking of while typing this too is that maybe there is just an empty field when logging a donation for them to put initials or their name into. And then the administrators would still be the ones logging in to modify if they had to.

If I make a mistake entering a donation, do I need an administrator to edit it, or should I be able to edit any donations that I entered? Would there be a way to be able to modify maybe the last 2-5 entered donations in the situation of not being a signed in user?

Would it make sense to store a donor's email so that it doesn't have to be entered manually when sending a report? I think this is a good idea, and it could maybe pre-load it into a form field so that it can still be edited if its changed.

pawaitemadisoncollege commented 3 months ago

Sorry for the slow reply on this - I think you are traveling this week - hope it's going well!!!!

User log in - I think the shared username is a legit solution! While I agree that in many cases a shared username is not a good idea, I also understand that sometimes it does make it easy. I like the "add your initials" idea as well. We (I) also need to remember this is V1, and it doesn't have to do everything (yet).

Editing - I really like that idea of being able to change the last X number of donations. Great thought there, Darin!