dweymouth / supersonic

A lightweight and full-featured cross-platform desktop client for self-hosted music servers
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Flatpak password storage: name is not activatable #325

Closed UltraBlackLinux closed 4 months ago

UltraBlackLinux commented 4 months ago

Hey there, again, flatpak is really not doing me a favor.

Now I cannot store any password, all I see in the logs is "Error getting password from keyring/setting keyring credentials: The name is not activatable" I have no idea what this means, so I need some help. Any idea what's going on? - I'm on Fedora. (I have all the required portals installed, and I already tried enabling a few flatseal options, but to no avail)

I know that the release build works on "native" arch linux, but I haven't tested flatpak, because I expected dumb problems just like this one...


dweymouth commented 4 months ago

In general, Flatpak-specific issues should be directed to this repo https://github.com/flathub/io.github.dweymouth.supersonic, but no big deal. @anarcat any ideas? Could there be a missing Flatpak permission for the Secret service? And @UltraBlackLinux is it possible that Fedora doesn't provide an implementation of the Dbus Secret Service?

anarcat commented 4 months ago

i find it quite surprising that this works on Arch but not Fedora, i would have expected quite the opposite!!

it works for me on Debian, for what it's worth, and i have a very weird bespoke desktop, and i'm surprised it works there too... i have this code in the flatpak to make it work:


which desktop environment do you use? GNOME? maybe the gnome bits have changed and i need to adapt...

and yeah, it would be great to move this into the flathub project...

UltraBlackLinux commented 4 months ago

too... i have this code in the flatpak to make it work:

Yeah, that confused me as well. Everything was set for it to work, but it just wasn't able to connect

Fedora doesn't provide an implementation of the Dbus Secret Service?

Well I was missing the secrets service, in my case gnome-keyring...

Thank you for pointing me there!