dweymouth / supersonic

A lightweight and full-featured cross-platform desktop client for self-hosted music servers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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After track paused then resumed, two scrobbles are submitted upon completion of track #362

Closed beiige closed 1 month ago

beiige commented 2 months ago

Some background information: I am using Supersonic ver. 0.9.1 with a Jellyfin server. The scrobbling settings are set to the default (side note if relevant: I cannot change the setting that says "Scrobble when X percent of track is completed," and "or when X minutes have been played" is greyed out and cannot be disabled, though this X can be changed).

Pausing a track and then resuming and completing said track submits two scrobbles. This seems to occur regardless of when the track was paused.

dweymouth commented 2 months ago

Interesting, I couldn't reproduce this myself and I don't see how it could happen in the code. Moving this out of 0.10.0 milestone so I can get a release out but I'll pick this back up later.

dweymouth commented 2 months ago

Also on the second note, the scrobbling config settings should be disabled for Jellyfin (being able to change the "X percent" is a bug) because Jellyfin doesn't allow the client to decide when to scrobble like Subsonic servers do.

beiige commented 1 month ago

@dweymouth This appears to have been an issue with the LastFM Jellyfin plugin, and was fixed in their latest release.