dweymouth / supersonic

A lightweight and full-featured cross-platform desktop client for self-hosted music servers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Flatpak won't open in Linux Mint 21.2 #365

Open holotone opened 2 months ago

holotone commented 2 months ago

Installed via Flatpak in Linux Mint Software manager. When I try to launch it nothing opens. If I try to launch it from bash it hangs here:

me@host:~$ flatpak run io.github.dweymouth.supersonic 
2024/04/06 10:48:42 Another instance is running. Reactivating it...
2024/04/06 10:48:43 No other instance responded. Starting as normal...
2024/04/06 10:48:43 Starting supersonic...
2024/04/06 10:48:43 Using config dir: /home/me/.var/app/io.github.dweymouth.supersonic/config/supersonic
2024/04/06 10:48:43 Using cache dir: /home/me/.var/app/io.github.dweymouth.supersonic/cache/supersonic
2024/04/06 10:48:43 Creating session lock file

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but no luck. Any ideas?

dweymouth commented 2 months ago

Hmm, try opening the config file and changing AllowMultiInstance to true. Seems like it's maybe hanging trying to create the file it uses to indicate to other Supersonic instances that we already have a running session. Though I'm not sure and I haven't seen this reported before

holotone commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the reply - After editing that line in the config here's the output from bash when it hangs:

me@host:~$ flatpak run io.github.dweymouth.supersonic 
2024/04/07 20:24:32 Starting supersonic...
2024/04/07 20:24:32 Using config dir: /home/me/.var/app/io.github.dweymouth.supersonic/config/supersonic
2024/04/07 20:24:32 Using cache dir: /home/me/.var/app/io.github.dweymouth.supersonic/cache/supersonic

Basically everything is the same as the last error except the last line about the session lock file is no longer there. Should I go ahead and switch AllowMultiInstance back to false?

dweymouth commented 2 months ago

I have no idea, sorry. Are you able to try the non-Flatpak installation, or build it from source?

Edit: allow multiple instances Can be turned back to false, as it seems it is not the source of the problem here

holotone commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately the Mint software repo only has the Flatkpak from Flathub as an option, apt can't find a package called supersonic, and I don't know how to build from source. Thanks for the help either way!

jonstump commented 2 months ago

Having the same issue. When I uninstalled supersonic via flatpak it also threw an error that the directory wasn't empty.


I've also tried building from souce as best I can using your linux instructions for Ubuntu. I can't seem to build it properly and I can't tell if this is an issue with supersonic or my go setup because I have little experience with go. Pasted in what it looks like when it attempted to install. Can't seem to get past this GOROOT error.

go: downloading github.com/dweymouth/fyne/v2 v2.3.0-rc1.0.20240313160419-e8b6f75cfa12
go: downloading github.com/20after4/configdir v0.1.1
go: downloading github.com/dweymouth/go-jellyfin v0.0.0-20240330010648-fb02c0b3878e
go: downloading github.com/dweymouth/go-subsonic v0.0.0-20240331151503-47a6f310eb73
go: downloading github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.6.0
go: downloading github.com/godbus/dbus/v5 v5.1.0
go: downloading github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0
go: downloading github.com/pelletier/go-toml/v2 v2.0.8
go: downloading github.com/quarckster/go-mpris-server v1.0.3
go: downloading github.com/zalando/go-keyring v0.2.1
go: downloading github.com/deluan/sanitize v0.0.0-20230310221930-6e18967d9fc1
go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.14.0
go: downloading github.com/dweymouth/go-mpv v0.0.0-20230406003141-7f1858e503ee
go: downloading golang.org/x/sys v0.13.0
go: downloading golang.org/x/image v0.15.0
go: downloading golang.org/x/net v0.17.0
go: downloading github.com/go-text/typesetting v0.1.0
go: downloading github.com/yuin/goldmark v1.5.5
go: downloading github.com/fredbi/uri v1.0.0
go: downloading github.com/srwiley/oksvg v0.0.0-20221011165216-be6e8873101c
go: downloading github.com/srwiley/rasterx v0.0.0-20220730225603-2ab79fcdd4ef
go: downloading fyne.io/systray v1.10.1-0.20231115130155-104f5ef7839e
go: downloading github.com/fyne-io/image v0.0.0-20220602074514-4956b0afb3d2
go: downloading github.com/go-gl/glfw/v3.3/glfw v0.0.0-20221017161538-93cebf72946b
go: downloading github.com/go-text/render v0.0.0-20230619120952-35bccb6164b8
go: downloading github.com/go-gl/gl v0.0.0-20211210172815-726fda9656d6
go: downloading github.com/jsummers/gobmp v0.0.0-20151104160322-e2ba15ffa76e
sharedutil/sharedutil.go:5:2: package slices is not in GOROOT (/usr/lib/go-1.18/src/slices)
dweymouth commented 2 months ago

Is anyone able to confirm whether this happens on Linux Mint outside of Flatpak? I'm wondering if it's a Flatpak issue or a Supersonic issue. @jonstump your build error is because you need a min Go version of 1.21 to build Supersonic

jonstump commented 2 months ago

@dweymouth thanks! I was able to get go 1.22 installed on Mint and get some more forward momentum. Looks like Linux Mint's repos are still on 1.18.

After cloning the the git repo for supersonic and using go build this time it sat for a while as if it were building and then stopped. Nothing in the terminal. Attempting to run it again doesn't hang, as if it seems to think it has been built, and does nothing. This is what my terminal looks like after running the command:

me@local:~/supersonic$ go build

If I enter supersonic it says command not found. I can't seem to find it when searching my apps via search either. It still attempts to bring up the flatpak store to install it.

Let me know what else I can try to help diagnose

dweymouth commented 2 months ago

@jonstump That looks like a successful build. A build isn't an install - it just creates a compiled executable in the current directory. If you do ./supersonic it should run. Let me know if the same issue reproduces then.

jonstump commented 2 months ago

Thanks @dweymouth. Confirmed that ./supersonic works and boots the app after being built on Linux Mint. Was even able to connect it to a Jellyfin server and play.

dweymouth commented 2 months ago

@anarcat a possible Flatpak-only issue here

anarcat commented 2 months ago

feel free to report this on flatpak's side, it would be easier to track for me https://github.com/flathub/io.github.dweymouth.supersonic/issues/

that said; i am still using the flatpak here and it works fine... is this your first flatpak package installed? do other flatpaks work properly?

not sure how to debug this further...

TobiZog commented 4 hours ago

I've got the same issue on Linux Mint 21.3. It seems, that the program wait for something, maybe access to the file system? No disk access and any CPU activity.


dweymouth commented 4 hours ago

Please post updates to the Flathub issue: https://github.com/flathub/io.github.dweymouth.supersonic/issues/69

While waiting for a potential resolution of the issue with the Flatpak packaging, the non-Flatpak build from the Releases page is known to work well on Mint.