dweymouth / supersonic

A lightweight and full-featured cross-platform desktop client for self-hosted music servers
GNU General Public License v3.0
668 stars 26 forks source link

Add ability to control playback using command-line flags #403

Closed dweymouth closed 1 week ago

dweymouth commented 1 week ago

Adds the following command-line options

> ./supersonic --help
Usage of ./supersonic:
        print command line options and exit
        seek to next track
        pause playback
        unpause or begin playback
        toggle play/pause state
        seek to previous track or beginning of current
  -seek-to value
        seeks to the given position in seconds in the current file (0.0 - <trackDur>)
        print app version and exit
  -volume value
        sets the playback volume (0-100)