Open smartise opened 4 months ago
Seeing the same, but using mashmap
PAF. It looks like a parsing bug. The first few lines in the mashmap
PAF I'm using:
atg000001l 43020 0 43020 - Ms71#1#chr5 227125645 166260391 166303329 18 43020 38 id:f:0.999848 kc:f:1.15873
atg000002l 35925 0 35000 + Ms71#1#chr6 180226282 154859221 154894505 17 35284 255 id:f:1 kc:f:0.905393
atg000002l 35925 30925 35925 + Ms71#1#chr6 180226282 154890470 154895470 18 5000 255 id:f:1 kc:f:0.897529
atg000003l 22430 0 22430 - Ms71#1#chr2 243655927 164760286 164782829 20 22543 255 id:f:1 kc:f:0.860123
atg000004l 2406809 0 20000 + Ms71#1#chr6 180226282 152030511 152048756 7 20000 21 id:f:0.991506 kc:f:1.21793
atg000004l 2406809 20000 30000 + Ms71#1#chr5 227125645 110036962 110046910 11 10000 17 id:f:0.982112 kc:f:1.13443
And the snapshot of the pafr
object tibble when loading this:
The last two columns are borked.
hello everyone.
I am trying to read a paf file that I obtained using minimap2 but can only get a data frame full of NA
here is the command I used for minimap2. minimap2 -ax map-ont --secondary=no /mnt/ebe/Niphargus/schellenbergi/wtdbg2/wtdbg2_filtlong.ctg.lay.fasta barcode05.fastq > output.paf
and here is the code and the error I get
any idea how to get through this ?