When the user clicks a button on my modal I want to call a function which applies some logic and then closes the modal, I want to use a single controller:
The button calls the agree terms funciton. At run time I get an error:
Unknown provider: closeProvider <- close <- MyController
I have seen other solutions and it requires using a separate modal controlleer, in my case I want to use one because the logic applied in my functon called by the button on the modal needs to be in the same scope as the original controller.
When the user clicks a button on my modal I want to call a function which applies some logic and then closes the modal, I want to use a single controller:
In my template:
ng-click="popModal('termsConditions', 'MyController')"
The button calls the agree terms funciton. At run time I get an error:
Unknown provider: closeProvider <- close <- MyController
I have seen other solutions and it requires using a separate modal controlleer, in my case I want to use one because the logic applied in my functon called by the button on the modal needs to be in the same scope as the original controller.
Is this possible?