dwmkerr / chatgpt-diagrams-extension

A Chrome browser extension that renders diagrams in the ChatGPT website inline.
MIT License
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Example of an error #30

Open sebastienbo opened 10 months ago

sebastienbo commented 10 months ago
graph TD
  Client -->|Request "Sedan"| VehicleCache
  Client -->|Request "CityBus"| VehicleCache
  VehicleCache -->|Clone| A[Car: Sedan]
  VehicleCache -->|Clone| B[Bus: Capacity 40]
  A -->|Original| OriginalCar[Original Car Sedan]
  B -->|Original| OriginalBus[Original Bus with Capacity 40]

Results in the error: Syntax error in text mermaid version 10.1.0

dwmkerr commented 10 months ago

For reference, the issue with this mermaid code is the quotes around "Sedan" and "Citybus":





I wonder if this might be better resolved by PR-ing into the mermaidjs project to see if we can be more robust with quotes.