dwmkerr / terraform-aws-openshift

Create infrastructure with Terraform and AWS, install OpenShift. Party!
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Broker API #26

Open akelley opened 6 years ago

akelley commented 6 years ago

Does the broker api not get created/started during the initialization process on the master? I get a 403 when trying to call the endpoint /broker/rest/api. Is there a command to start up the broker or can the script be modified to include that service?

dwmkerr commented 6 years ago

Hi there @kelleyaj do you mean the new tech preview service broker?


If so, it's not set up by default, but I could potentially add it as a recipe you can mix into the project!

akelley commented 6 years ago

Yes sorry, I now see that it is in the next release 3.6 tech preview. I have a external Jenkins instance where I am trying to utilize open shift for application deployment, it uses a plugin that needs a broker url to call. See here - https://blog.openshift.com/deploy-openshift-external-jenkins-instance/ That would be great if it can be added! Sorry I would do a pull myself but I am still coming up to speed on terraform scripting and open shift, using this great project here to learn. Thanks!

dwmkerr commented 6 years ago

Looks really interesting! I'll take a look at the broker set up and see if it can be included somehow as an optional component :)