dwoll / shotGroups

R package to analyze shot group data: shape, precision, and accuracy
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Not all dependencies installed #6

Open memilanuk opened 4 years ago

memilanuk commented 4 years ago

Did a fresh install of R v4.0.0 on Windows 10 along with Rstudio and Rtools. Installed the shotGroups package, and opted to have it pull any necessary dependencies.

The first time I went to run analyzeGroups, I got the following error messages:

Warning messages:
1: In groupShape.default(xy, plots = TRUE, bandW = bandW, outlier = "mcd",  :
  Package mvoutlier is not installed
2: In groupShape.default(xy, plots = TRUE, bandW = bandW, outlier = "mcd",  :
  Package energy for multivariate normality test not installed

Installing those two packages pulled in a bunch more packages...

> install.packages(c("mvoutlier", "energy"))
Installing packages into ‘C:/Users/memil/Documents/R/win-library/4.0’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
also installing the dependencies ‘clipr’, ‘rematch’, ‘forcats’, ‘readr’, ‘cellranger’, ‘zip’, ‘SparseM’, ‘MatrixModels’, ‘haven’, ‘curl’, ‘readxl’, ‘openxlsx’, ‘minqa’, ‘nloptr’, ‘statmod’, ‘hms’, ‘BH’, ‘plogr’, ‘carData’, ‘abind’, ‘pbkrtest’, ‘quantreg’, ‘maptools’, ‘rio’, ‘lme4’, ‘pcaPP’, ‘flexmix’, ‘prabclus’, ‘diptest’, ‘plyr’, ‘progress’, ‘reshape’, ‘dplyr’, ‘purrr’, ‘tidyselect’, ‘sp’, ‘laeken’, ‘ranger’, ‘NADA’, ‘truncnorm’, ‘stringr’, ‘pls’, ‘data.table’, ‘car’, ‘cvTools’, ‘e1071’, ‘rrcov’, ‘fpc’, ‘GGally’, ‘kernlab’, ‘mclust’, ‘sROC’, ‘tidyr’, ‘VIM’, ‘zCompositions’, ‘reshape2’, ‘RcppEigen’, ‘sgeostat’, ‘robCompositions’
dwoll commented 4 years ago

Packages mvoutlier and energy are not automatically installed together with shotGroups as they are dependency-heavy (as you observed). energy requires Rcpp, a fairly large download. mvoutlier requires robCompositions, which in turn relies on a really large number of other packages.

For these reasons, the two packages must be installed explicitly by the user. In commit eb9b887263209d090af794052bf3e0c5f509a256, I now expanded the warning message to make the user aware that the packages need to be installed separately, and that doing so triggers a long installation process.

dwoll commented 4 years ago

If you want to test the development version with this change, you can install it using remotes::install_github("dwoll/shotGroups")