dword1511 / stm32-vserprog

flashrom serprog programmer based on STM32 MCU & USB CDC protocol. Uses libopencm3 and deprecates the old serprog-stm32vcp project.
GNU General Public License v3.0
310 stars 91 forks source link

MT25QL512 #61

Open neur0ner25 opened 2 years ago

neur0ner25 commented 2 years ago

Hello. I tried to flash MT25QL512 chip with rp pico serprog from this git https://github.com/kazigk/pico-serprog What is the problem? Same problem on xtw100 log_pico_serprog_MT25QL512.txt

neur0ner25 commented 2 years ago

Ch341a and dediprog work well with this chip