dwp-forge / refnotes

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Unable to use setting config page #13

Closed dwp-forge closed 9 years ago

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

I came up with the same problem as reported at the end of this page: 


I tried the uninstall and reinstall routine suggested to no avail. This is
strange because it worked before... When I load the refnotes setting page,
I select some options but the "Save" button provides no feedback, not even
a spinning wristwatch from the browser. I know that the settings were not
changed because I have a page opened with references and the setting page
side by side. If I do some selections (let's say from parenthesis to square
brackets), I click Save and I reload the page after cache clearing, I still
get parenthesis.

Best regards

Sylvain Foisy, Ph. D.

Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-01 13:53:05

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
Complementary informations:

dokuwiki version: 2009-12-25c
refnotes version: http://dwp-forge.googlecode.com/files/refnotes-2010-04-05.zip

Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-01 14:17:50

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
I'm not sure if this is the same problem. Recently I was having an e-mail
conversation about broken configuration page and the problem was that the page was
completely unaccessable. I could narrow it down to a problem with loading of the
*.dat files (this is where the configuration settings are stored), but then reporter
bailed out and I couldn't track down the source of the problem.

I didn't ask but I believe that that anonymous report on the page was made by the
same guy.

As for your problem, try to move *.local.dat files from the plugin directory
somewhere outside (back them up), go to the configuration page and save the settings.
Are the *.local.dat files recreated?

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2010-06-01 14:34:52

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

Under lib/plugins/refnotes, I found these files:


I renamed and moved them elsewhere. When I go to refnotes config page, I try again,
click "Save" and nothing happens... When I look into lib/plugins/refnotes, nothing
got created.

Best regards


Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-01 14:46:00

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
I was talking about *.local.dat files. Namely general.local.dat, namespaces.local.dat
and notes.local.dat. Do you have any of these? If not, then configuration was never
saved, which is odd since you mentioned that it worked before.

Put the *.dat files back to the plugin directory and go to the configuration page.
you see any predefined namespaces (see the picture)?

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2010-06-01 15:14:28

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
Hi again,

Had an illumination... Everything worked ok until some days ago and going over my
notes, the difference between working and non-working states is the fact that I have
added the jsmath plugin. removed this plugin and behold, the config page now works

Weird interaction...

Best regards


Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-01 15:21:32

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
Great! I always forget to ask which other plugins are installed. Thanks for figuring
this out :)

I will look into compatibility with jsmath.

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2010-06-01 15:27:17

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

I actually have nothing on this panel... I have to precise that when I said that it
worked, it was based on using URLs... I am having a hell of a time trying to merge
this with actual references in the refnotes: namespace...

Best regards


Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-01 15:29:28

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
I'm not following you. What do you mean by "using URLs"?

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2010-06-01 16:24:33

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

Doing this:

[(http://www.somewhere.org : This is a very useful site)]

Instead of putting the links in a reference page. I think that I will rewrite my
referenced URLs as reference pages and cite accordingly.

Best regards


Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-01 16:39:37

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
Now you completely lost me. What is "reference page"?

After removal of jsmath you said that "the config page now works as advertised". Does
it mean that you can save your configuration changes?

Do you see namespaces.local.dat file in the plugin directory?

Do you see the list of predefined namespaces on the config page (as on the picture

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2010-06-01 16:55:08

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

Here goes:

> Now you completely lost me. What is "reference page"?

A page that I would create in my refnotes namespace, used by refnotes if "use
database" is yes. That page would be formatted as specified in the refnotes
documentation, with a table containing author, date, etc.

> After removal of jsmath you said that "the config page now works as advertised".

> Does it mean that you can save your configuration changes?

Yes, I can now set and save config changes.

> Do you see namespaces.local.dat file in the plugin directory?

Yes, I can see that file.

> Do you see the list of predefined namespaces on the config page (as on the picture

No, I do not have any of the predefined namespaces in the config pages.

Best regards


Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-01 17:02:58

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
> A page that I would create in my refnotes namespace

Ah, okay. Though I'm still not getting what is the problem with defining the notes
the page where you use them. Why do you say "I will rewrite my referenced URLs as
reference pages"? Is it because there is some problem with the plugin, or you just
like it better that way?

Also what did you mean by "I am having a hell of a time trying to merge this with
actual references in the refnotes: namespace"? Could you elaborate?

> Yes, I can see that file.

Now, if you add a new predefined namespace on the config page, change some settings
and save it, do you see this namespace when you close and reopen the configuration

Can you use that namespace on the wiki pages? Are references and notes formatted
according to the settings you selected on the config page?

Did you move namespaces.dat back to the plugin directory? What is the size of this

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2010-06-01 17:24:31

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

Here goes:

> Ah, okay. Though I'm still not getting what is the problem with defining the notes
> on the page where you use them. Why do you say "I will rewrite my referenced URLs
as reference pages"? Is it because there is some problem with the plugin, or you 
> just like it better that way?

Instead of inserting my referenced URLs directly into a page, I'll create one page
per URL in my refnotes namespace. It actually makes more sense that way because if
use the same URL many times, I'll only have to edit that refnotes page to edit the
references, not edit each and every page that has the same URL...

> Also what did you mean by "I am having a hell of a time trying to merge this with
> actual references in the refnotes: namespace"? Could you elaborate?

Because when I use both the URL inserted as is and a reference created in the
refnotes namespace, I have each of them noted as 1) and with different formatting...
Using the one page per URL trick should provide a uniformed formatting, no?

> Now, if you add a new predefined namespace on the config page, change some settings
> and save it, do you see this namespace when you close and reopen the configuration
> page?

Yeap, no problem there: creating a new namespace is working as advertised :-)

> Can you use that namespace on the wiki pages? Are references and notes formatted
> according to the settings you selected on the config page?

I'll need to try. Back to you a bit later on this.

> Did you move namespaces.dat back to the plugin directory? What is the size of this
> file?

Yes. It size is 2545 bytes.

Best regards


Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-01 17:37:57

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
> Instead of inserting my referenced URLs directly into a page, I'll create one
> page per URL in my refnotes namespace. It actually makes more sense that way
> because if I use the same URL many times, I'll only have to edit that refnotes
> page to edit the references, not edit each and every page that has the same URL.

Yes, if you reference the same URL from multiple pages it's indeed more convenient
put them into the reference database. It's what the database was created for. Though,
it's not clear to me why would you put every URL into a separate page. Why not keep
them together on a single database page?

> Because when I use both the URL inserted as is and a reference created in
> the refnotes namespace, I have each of them noted as 1) and with different
> formatting... Using the one page per URL trick should provide a uniformed
> formatting, no?

The numbering and formatting is based on the namespace of the note. Read Consecutive
Numbering discussion [1] on the plugin page.

> Yes. It size is 2545 bytes.

Seems to be okay. This file contains settings for default predefined namespaces. As
soon as you save the settings the namespaces.local.dat file is created and plugin
uses the local file instead of the default one. It can be that you saved the settings
when namespaces.dat was not there and now the local file contains no namespace
definitions. If you delete namespaces.local.dat you should be able to see the default
namespaces as on the picture above.

> the difference between working and non-working states is the fact that I
> have added the jsmath plugin

I installed jsmath plugin (with jsMath back-end) and RefNotes configuration page
still works as expected. Which browser do you use? Did you use jsMath or MathJax?

Do you have some other non-standard plugins installed?

[1] http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:refnotes#consecutive_numbering

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2010-06-01 18:06:59

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

Here goes:

>Yes, if you reference the same URL from multiple pages it's indeed more convenient
>to put them into the reference database. It's what the database was created for. 
>Though, it's not clear to me why would you put every URL into a separate page. Why
>not keep them together on a single database page?

Ok, here what I tried. I created 2 pages, one for URLs coming from one site and
another with all other external URLs, both under the refnotes namespace. When I
insert the references (4: 2 from the first db page, 2 from the second) in a page, I
get it sequentially (in this case from 1 to 4) but only the first 2 are showing up
the reference list. ??

> The numbering and formatting is based on the namespace of the note. Read 
>Consecutive Numbering discussion [1] on the plugin page.

See above...

>Seems to be okay. This file contains settings for default predefined namespaces. As
>soon as you save the settings the namespaces.local.dat file is created and plugin
>uses the local file instead of the default one. It can be that you saved the
>settings when namespaces.dat was not there and now the local file contains no
>namespace definitions. If you delete namespaces.local.dat you should be able to see
>the default namespaces as on the picture above.

Yeap, just did what you suggested and all is back on the left panel.

>I installed jsmath plugin (with jsMath back-end) and RefNotes configuration page
>still works as expected. Which browser do you use? Did you use jsMath or MathJax?

>Do you have some other non-standard plugins installed?

I run with the following:


Best regards


Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-01 18:44:28

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
> When I insert the references (4: 2 from the first db page, 2 from the second)
> in a page, I get it sequentially (in this case from 1 to 4) but only the first
> 2 are showing up in the reference list. ??

Most likely there is something odd with how you define the notes in the reference
database or how you reference them on a wiki page. Can you send me those 3 pages that
you are talking about?

> I run with the following

Could you also answer the browser and jsmath back-end questions.

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2010-06-01 19:27:48

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

Here goes:

>Most likely there is something odd with how you define the notes in the reference
>database or how you reference them on a wiki page. Can you send me those 3 pages
>that you are talking about?

A tad busy, will be back ASAP.

>Could you also answer the browser and jsmath back-end questions.

Oups, forgot about that... I tried with both mathjax and jsmath and fixed on mathjax
because of the fonts dependancy non-dependancy (I know, it reads weird...). As per
the browser, I use either Safari or Camino with Mac OS X.

Best regards


Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-01 19:37:13

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
I tried jsmath with MathJax, tried those plugins you listed, tried Safari (on
Windows). Whatever I do, RefNotes config page keeps working as expected. I guess if
really you want to get it fixed you will have to assist me with remote debugging of
your setup.

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2010-06-05 11:20:20

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

Sorry for answering late: busy,busy doing Science... Ok, I re-installed the jsmath
plug-in and all of my refnotes settings went berserk, the namespaces on the left side
panel disappearing, no response on the "Save" button. Removed the plugin again and
everything is now working as expected...

I do not know what to say next... I am foregoing installing the jsmath plugin on my
wiki until I do a fresh install.

Thanks for the time and best regards


Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-11 19:58:02

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
Yeah, I know. No problem. We all have our day jobs.

I'm sorry, but I didn't get if you are willing to invest some time into helping me
to track this down. It seems that you have a reliable reproduction, so I could come
up with some things that you could try on your PC (sorry, Mac ;). Otherwise, I guess,
I will have to discard this issue as a non-reproducible one, and I wouldn't like to
do that.

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2010-06-11 21:04:33

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

I have no problem helping you out on this; I also work on my own open source project
and it is only by contributing that we can make the product move forward ;-) I'll be
offline from June 12 to June 19 but I'll contact you as soon as I come back.

To start: my wiki is on an Ubuntu 10.04 server with the latest version of all modules
already described. I have tried with both jsmath and mathjax with the same results.

Talk to you later and best regards


Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-06-11 22:37:38

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

The first thing I would like to know is what happens with server communication. When
the config page works properly, above the General setting section there is a bar with
the communication status. Normally, when page loads, it firs changes it's color to
blue (requesting the setting), then to green (settings are received), and then to gray.
What do you see there when jsmath is installed?

Does CSS/JS compression [1] have any effect on the RefNotes behavior?

When you look at the source of the config page, at the end of the <head> you should
see 3 JS file references:


Could you disable JS compression and send me the first file with and without jsmath

[1] http://www.dokuwiki.org/config:compress

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2010-06-12 06:58:16

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago

Sorry it took such a long time to contact: coming back from vacation was a b..ch ;-)
I can tell you that when jsmath and refnotes are both activated, refnotes' blue and
greens communication status are not showing.

I'll look into the other things tonight.

Best regards


Original issue reported on code.google.com by sylvain.foisy on 2010-07-12 18:55:32

dwp-forge commented 9 years ago
(No text was entered with this change)

Original issue reported on code.google.com by dwp-forge on 2011-10-30 16:03:48