We observed users struggle to take on board all of the information on the Eligibility Outcome screen - they scanned through the page, not really reading and digesting the important content.
The screen is trying to convey two things: eligibility outcome and preparing to start the application. We need our users to consider this so they can be prepared to complete the application in one go. We want to help them succeed first time. There is currently no save and return or task list and we have very limited development resource to enable us to create these.
A blue panel with a main heading, simple content and call to action
'Stop and prepare' cards interrupt the user journey to prompt reflection and ensure the user has understood important details relevant to the service.
Anything else
Apply for NSJSA
NSJSA beta prototype: DWP - Jobseeker’s Allowance (nsjsa-automation-beta.herokuapp.com)
We observed users struggle to take on board all of the information on the Eligibility Outcome screen - they scanned through the page, not really reading and digesting the important content.
The screen is trying to convey two things: eligibility outcome and preparing to start the application. We need our users to consider this so they can be prepared to complete the application in one go. We want to help them succeed first time. There is currently no save and return or task list and we have very limited development resource to enable us to create these.
Examples of the Stop & Prepare cards:
Supporting ideas/conversations: