dwradcliffe / chef-solr

Chef cookbook for solr.
MIT License
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Creating new Core not working... #33

Open tarzanjerin opened 8 years ago

tarzanjerin commented 8 years ago

Hi, Can any one explain me how to create a new core using this cook book. Thank you.

bash 'test' do
  code <<-EOH
  su - solr -c "/opt/solr/bin/solr create -c test"
  not_if {::File.exist?('/var/solr/data/test/')}

This code is not working.

dumityty commented 7 years ago

Solr will get installed under the folder #{node['solr']['dir']}-#{node['solr']['version']} - so for example /opt/solr-5.5.3/ If you add your solr version it should work (not that you are checking for /var/solr/data/test folder which might or might not exist depending on where you specified you data_dir)