dwrensha / gitlab-sandstorm

GitLab as a Sandstorm app
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Linking between wiki pages is impossible and returns an error 500 #19

Closed Xia0ben closed 8 years ago

Xia0ben commented 8 years ago

Howdy =) .

First, hats off to you the people who contribute to make Sandstorm the great piece of software it is.

So a little description : When you write a link between to wiki pages using the markdown syntax NAME, replacing the "Url" by the target page's slug, and try to save by clicking on the "Save changes" button, Gitlab goes kaboom! and returns an error 500. Refreshing and trying again does not change a thing.

This problem exists not only on my own server, but also on the sandstorm.io demo (so we are talking about the latest versions of both Sandstorm and the GitLab app here).

Thanks for your already great work, and hope you will get some time to investigate the problem ;-).

EDIT : Just tried to clone, make the same modification offline and pull push the wiki's data : when you try to open the modified wiki page, it goes error 500 too. External links do not cause this problem, however the link does not work on simple click (gotta right-click and open in new tab), which is a little bit impractical.

dwrensha commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the report!

Fixed in this commit.

I've pushed a new release to the app market.

Xia0ben commented 8 years ago

Wow, that was fast ! Works like a charm now. Thanks ;-).