—We’re on Week 3 of our 5-week cohort! WOOT WOOT! Hopefully you’ve made a few friends and you’re enjoying the Chingu community. Next week, I’d like to challenge you to look at the #intro-my-stories and find someone whom you haven’t talked to yet and send them a message to find out what projects they’re working on :)
Overheard in Armadillos
It’s never too late to start a #100DaysOfCode, either. The secret is public accountability and consistency. “Just showing up” to get the work done, and you’ll be amazed at what you’ll do!
What’s Happenin’
—We’re on Week 3 of our 5-week cohort! WOOT WOOT! Hopefully you’ve made a few friends and you’re enjoying the Chingu community. Next week, I’d like to challenge you to look at the #intro-my-stories and find someone whom you haven’t talked to yet and send them a message to find out what projects they’re working on :)
Overheard in Armadillos
Showcase & Shout-out
— @jmaunders for finishing a site for a real client: http://tomahawktechnology.com/
— @mrbrackins for finishing his fCC Twitch API Project: https://mrbrackins.github.io/
— @sanddc318 for finishing both his fCC Random Quote Machine API Project and the weekly design challenge: https://codepen.io/sanddc/full/OgNXNN & https://github.com/sanddc318/chingu-design-wk1
— @dylan for writing a Pen outlining an http request in vanilla JS: https://codepen.io/dylan-w/pen/OgpqpZ
That’s all for this week! Keep up the good work next week! :D