dwyl / ISO-27001-2013-information-technology-security

:closed_lock_with_key: Probably the most boring-but-necessary repo on GitHub. If you care about the security/privacy of your data...! :white_check_mark:
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Alpha #15

Closed nelsonic closed 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

Adds basic security and change management docs.

iteles commented 7 years ago


iteles commented 7 years ago

Corrected a couple of tiny typos, looks amazing! Simple but effective.

We may want to check that this applies to everyone we work with:

No desktop computers are used in the organization. All devices are portable (laptops, phones & tablets) see below.

Boatlaunch101 commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic @iteles Yes we do use desktops

I couldn't see how to make changes to the document. Can we put it all into one section as follows:

Desktops, Laptops, Tablets & Mobile Devices

The following applies to company owned and "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) equipment.

We require that all devices:

use full-drive encryption to protect any browser history data stored on the device. never leave the device unattended in a public space never connect to insecure Wifi networks screen lock is enabled when ever the user is away from the keyboard in the office to prevent unauthorized access to critical systems. at the end of the useful life of the device is must be reset to factory settings