dwyl / adoro

❤️ The little publishing tool you'll love using. [work-in-progress]
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is this a CMS or just a blog? #10

Open nelsonic opened 8 years ago

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

Is this "just" a blog platform or is it more versatile?

sofer commented 8 years ago

I am not sure what the use cases are, but anything that attempt to be a CMS is likely to be doomed to be a time-suck of the first order. +1 for a blogging platform.

iteles commented 8 years ago

I actually disagree on this one. The key is modularity and a tight rein on the quality of the features that are brought into 'core' or 'approved' by the community, but this can and should be a lot more than just another blogging platform. A very MVP approach with multiple iterations of small increments will serve us well in making this something truly useful without the bloat and security vulnerabilities of existing products and with a simple and beautiful UI.