dwyl / adoro

❤️ The little publishing tool you'll love using. [work-in-progress]
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Which database should we use? #11

Open nelsonic opened 8 years ago

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

Most CMS use an Relational (SQL) Database. This is for legacy/historical reasons not because the data-model is particularly tabular/relational... After all, the CMS is storing Content i.e. Documents... Why not use a Document-based Datastore?

sofer commented 8 years ago

What scale are you thinking of? If this is primarily a static site publishing tool, perhaps the first question to ask is what's wrong with the file system? And if you have a good answer to that, then is there any reason not to use Redis? It's not as if anyone is going to be doing lots of arbitrary queries on the data or as if they are going to have so much data that they are going to run out of RAM.

sofer commented 8 years ago

btw is gh pages entirely out of the question? I really like the road that prose.io have started down. A better version of Prose looks to me like a winner.

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

Indeed Prose.io already goes some of way towards "solving" the problem of publishing with GitHub Pages. But the GitHub pages constraint means you don't get stats :bar_chart: :chart_with_upwards_trend: or alerts ... see: https://github.com/dwyl/adoro/issues/30