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Which are the most popular CMS and why? #3

Open nelsonic opened 9 years ago

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

http://awards.cmscritic.com/past-winners/ of these I've used:

Why would anyone want to build another CMS given there are _so many_ ("good" ones) already...?

Cleop commented 6 years ago

I'm going to be adding some notes on a lightweight, open source and secure CMS that I am looking for. My other need is for it to be relatively friendly suitable for non technical people to use.

My understanding so far is that Drupal and Wordpress don't fall into the lightweight category. Using the list above as a starting point I'm going to look into them in a bit more detail.



Magnolia - digital business platform


Elixir CMS - not suitable




Should I fork this and use it as a platform?

Probably not. We won't stop you from doing it, but we don't advise it. This is not a general purpose podcasting CMS. It is a CMS that is specific to Changelog and our needs. From the design and layout to the data structures and file hosting, we built this for us. An example of just how custom it is — we literally have our podcast slugs hardcoded in areas of the code. Yuck.

Thesis - BETA Quality

Contento - WIP

Node Shortlist

Ghost - publishing platform


image image



As has been pointed out, v4 should have been out of "beta" ages ago and, functionally, has been for a year. It needs to be cleaned up and published so we can move forward.

We'd like to bring in new admins and maintainers from the community to help organise and do the work of finalising v4, and continue maintaining it into the future.

Buckets - Deprecated

nelsonic commented 6 years ago

The focus/emphasis of the question should have been on the Why part. Most people default to using an existing CMS because they don't want to think about how the CMS user-experience or "workflow" can be improved. The reason we ended up using "Wagtail" for client projects was because I didn't want to waste my time explaining to "stakeholders" why it's suboptimal.

There are always "trade-offs" and no single CMS has all the features I would like to have "out-of-the-box" (or through extensions/modules/plugins). WordPress comes close in terms of SEO, Content Editing Experience and Plugin Availability, but it falls short on Security, Version Control and "Workflow".

Any CMS that we end up using must do things quantifiably better than the "status quo". otherwise we are a "me too" with nothing to differentiate ourselves from all the other agencies which build "Skins" on existing CMSes ...

Here are a selection of questions I would ask:

iteles commented 6 years ago

👍 We are definitely using this as a learning experience on the above rather than a decision on 'what to use'.

iteles commented 6 years ago

To the list above, I would add: