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AMP #33

Open nelsonic opened 8 years ago

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

I feel we can "compete" in this space by adopting AMP out the gate. https://github.com/ampproject/amphtml

Has everyone had a chance to read the spec? please share your thoughts! :thought_balloon:

sofer commented 8 years ago

I like the look of it. https://youtu.be/i2_lAEzmOPo

The caveat is that google has a a clear business rationale behind AMP: http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/10/googles-new-amp-html-spec-wants-to-make-mobile-websites-load-instantly/

Having said that, we are not publishers; we are developers. An AMP-enabled site looks like a pretty clear win for any potential client.

nelsonic commented 8 years ago


des-des commented 8 years ago

is this bad? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XlJiIIBPnE#t=22m48s

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

The pattern that he is describing is exactly what we are going to do. No, it's not a problem. We are simply going to need a diagram to explain it to people.

iteles commented 8 years ago

Great find though @des-des, always helpful to understand the limitations 👌🏻