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Exploring prose.io #38

Open hdrdavies opened 8 years ago

hdrdavies commented 8 years ago


-Researched how blogs / websites have integrated prose.io -Set up dummy repo & website to explore how prose pushes to Github -Explored prose Github repo to understand what the engine is doing

We're also looking at setting up Github commit hooks so that changes are immediately rendered on the static site

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

Good plan. :+1:

tormod17 commented 8 years ago


Raised issue on prose repo and stackoverflow question. Regarding why we can't add a markdown file to a shared repo.

Now looking into prose Jekyll tutorial and engine.

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

nice one @tormod17 :+1: (please paste the link to your SO question we can track...)

hdrdavies commented 8 years ago


Prose repo issue -> https://github.com/prose/prose/issues/904

hdrdavies commented 8 years ago

Spending early afternoon researching the publication cycle of bloggers using the Github - Jekyll - Prose stack.

Interesting article which states the need for the problem adoro is trying to solve: http://www.markwk.com/2013/04/prose.io-content-editor-for-jekyll-sites.html

iteles commented 8 years ago

:+1: Loving the comments to track progress.


sofer commented 8 years ago

@hdrdavies https://github.com/HubPress/hubpress.io is another GitHub-based UI that may be of interest.

hdrdavies commented 8 years ago

Ta @sofer will look at that now!