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More reading and share thoughts #90

Open tunnckoCore opened 8 years ago

tunnckoCore commented 8 years ago

Hi! :) We think similar. A started thinking it before (damn, exactly) one year: https://github.com/tunnckoCore/blankr/issues/1 (more as todo list, ideas, and WHYs - why thing like that is needed on the scene, what's the pros and cons of others) and if you read it, it would be great to share your thoughts. There's also continuation in https://github.com/tunnckoCore/blankr/issues/43 - more specific about the process and servers, services and APIs - in august named it "Nerds - Github Issues based blog". I'm not sure yet that "Issues" is the way. But for one i'm sure - github should be the center. I even think on the limitation of "only login/register with github"-thing - can we mask it? - even think for http://npm.im/nightmare; But yea, this would be one veery big limitation.

One year.. huh. And in one moment realized that i don't know from where to start and that i need a more people. :)

And yes, we both sides look in same way. It can be super simple. It can be super small. It's not so big deal. It's not so hard job. It can be easy.

Cheers, Charlike! :beer: