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EPIC: Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts #263

Open nelsonic opened 4 years ago

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

As a person attempting to maximise my personal effectiveness, I use Keyboard Shortcuts in Desktop/Web Apps whenever they are available to speed up my interactions with the App. e.g: GitHub, Gmail, YouTube, VS Code, Apple Mail and Fusion 360 I would like to have Keyboard Shortcuts in the dwyl App to perform all major functions.


We should respect the "Sacred" Keybindings and make them perform the desired actions in the @dwyl app:

I think we should have the same keyboard shortcuts for specific functionality as Gmail because it's the most widely used web-based email client so people who are already using those shortcuts (_the power-user early adopters_) can feel "at home" and immediately use them!

https://litmus.com/blog/email-client-market-share-trends-first-half-of-2018 top-email-clients

The next most popular email clients are Apple's iPhone and iPad Mail program which don't have keyboard shortcuts. We are open to considering adding the Outlook shortcuts if enough users request it. But we need to focus on the "core" shortcuts first and then allow other developers in the community to create a "pack" of shortcuts that are familiar to people.

In addition to having sensible defaults for our Keyboard Shortcuts, we need to create a way for people to define their own Keyboard Shortcuts and disable specific keyboard shortcuts. In some cases people will have conflicting shortcuts that we do not want to interfere with so we need to allow people to disable/replace each shortcut.

Epic ?

This issue is definitely an "epic". We need to break it down and form a sprint (milestone) around it.

Opening this issue to capture thoughts. Please share yours! 💬

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

VIM mode?