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question: Should we have design guidelines before launching the MVP? #311

Open LuchoTurtle opened 1 year ago

LuchoTurtle commented 1 year ago

Although this question was answered during the standup, my question was regarding the wireframe work that @nelsonic has done in Figma pertaining to the app development in Flutter.


I understand the merit of having wireframes as "guidelines" for early development, as it's feature-focused instead of aesthetics. And this approach should actually be celebrated, as "aesthetics" should be the least of our concerns. But I feel like there's a discussion to be had regarding having early "eye-candy" mock pages and the most-used components when creating a new app. These feelings are exacerbated since I'm starting out in Flutter, and I don't know how much refactoring/technical debt these decisions will incur.

I'm sure you've seen pretty mockups like the ones below (credit goes to https://dribbble.com/shots/14421226-Momonyetan-App-Design-To-Do-List).


Not putting down @nelsonic's work on Figma at all. On the contrary, I totally get why one would start with "general guidelines" first and work from there to having more refined pages/mockups. However, I really can't quantify how much "first impressions" are important when developing an app? If people try an app that is not as pleasing to the eye as others, will we not risk losing them as customers?

Perhaps this is a more "long-term, marketing-oriented" question but I feel like it's open-ended enough and it'd be fun to gain some insight into this 🙂