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Deploy `Flutter` App in `iOS AppStore` and `Android PlayStore` #342

Open nelsonic opened 8 months ago

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

Recently spent a few hours on a Train with patchy network and the interface of the MVP didnโ€™t allow me to input a new item. The item.text input was not focus-able in the LiveView. :sad:

mvp unable to input new item.text

and then the page timeout completely:

mvp timeout without network

This is totally lame and we need to address it as our collective top priority. The App needs to work offline. We need to work back from that goal and create our roadmap.



nelsonic commented 8 months ago

@LuchoTurtle once you've had a chance to wrap up your work on WYSIWYG both in the demo and then in the App, this is our next highest priority. We need a checklist of everything we need in order to deploy the Flutter App to the iOS AppStore and Google Play Store. Then we can work our way through that list. ๐Ÿ™

LuchoTurtle commented 8 months ago

Understood ๐Ÿ‘Œ .

I'll have a look at how to deploy for both the App Store and Playstore and try to automate it. Do you prefer I document this process in https://github.com/dwyl/learn-flutter, since it's Flutter-related?

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

Good plan on learn-flutter for the docs. ๐Ÿ‘Œ In terms of costs, please donโ€™t worry about $100 for Dev accounts for either platform. Just document what is required and you will be repaid for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred. ๐Ÿ’ธ

We will use an *@dwyl.com email address to register the company dev accounts once the docs are ready for review. ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ

LuchoTurtle commented 8 months ago

On second notice, in order to contain relevant guides in this app, I'm making the deployment.md file in this repo with the checklist that we'll have to undergo when deploying. I will link this guide in learn-flutter later, though, no problem.

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

That works well. ๐Ÿ‘Œ

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

@LuchoTurtle I'm going to register a new Biz Account: https://appleid.apple.com/account

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

Had to download the following app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/apple-developer/id640199958

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

ยฃ79.99/year ๐Ÿ’ธ

image image
nelsonic commented 8 months ago

To register a company legal entity for dev account had to get a Dโ€‘Uโ€‘Nโ€‘Sยฎ Number: https://www.dnb.co.uk/duns-number/lookup/find-my-duns.html



Waiting for the email ...

iteles commented 8 months ago

I'm VERY happy to release the iPhone 12 SE. I'll restore to factory settings this afternoon.

I only use it to hold my UK SIM and make international calls and I can do that from any much older phone we have lying around ๐Ÿ‘

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

Had to open an Apple Case as the enrolment is blocked ...


Currently on hold ... โณ

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

@iteles if you're following along, the issue was the ridiculous street address the bookkeepers have on Companies House ...


Was on the call with Apple Support for 20+ minutes ... โณ (on Roaming ... thanks Brexit! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ) image

The helpful AppleCare person sent me a "magic" link to complete the form and did a screen share with me:


Anyway, all this time-suck later and the enrollment is "being processed":

LuchoTurtle commented 8 months ago

Because I want to start out with adding a GH Action pipeline to deploy to the Google Play Store, I think we need to have a minimum of three different branches for our development cycle:

I'll create a simple file only for the main branch, but we should naturally progress towards having this. I'm still not able to publish anything into Play Store because I'm not yet verified but I'll document as far as I can.

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

dev is basically redundant if we use feature (named) branches. (but I get what you mean) having a named branch such as prod makes sense if we are doing releases without using git tags. But otherwise main should just be the single source of truth. ๐Ÿ’ญ

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

Sadly, Apple Dev Support has rejected my application for Dev Program because DWYL LTD already has an account:


I've replied to axsk them to send me the details so that I can recover the account. ๐Ÿคž

iteles commented 8 months ago

I went hunting in emails.

The problem we have is this was registered with an email address that we no longer have access to (@dwyl.io).

And the security questions for password reset are unhelpful.


nelsonic commented 8 months ago

@iteles sounds like you need to be on the Apple Support call with me then.

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

@iteles need your help ASAP, please. ๐Ÿ™ https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGwHLhfqcBTqxrrsgXnptFfkwJH image

Need to get the email and name details of who registered the Apple Dev Account. please.

iteles commented 8 months ago

I would imagine that this is @sohilpandya ! The dwyl.io emails (his and general company one) used at the time don't exist any more though.

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

While waiting for @iteles, going to register for @dwyl Google Play Account ... https://github.com/dwyl/app/issues/346

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

@iteles do you not have access to the email as the admin? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

I've sent Apple a follow-up email stating that our esteemed ex-colleague Sohil no longer works with the company ... ๐Ÿ“ง Let's see what they say. โณ

iteles commented 8 months ago

@nelsonic No, as I've said. The emails used at the time were @dwyl.io and they don't exist anymore and we don't own that domain anymore.

We don't have access Or a way to get access.

We can probably provide proof in the form of emails we bought the domain and then also the original email we got when we signed up.

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

Inรชs, emailed eurodev@apple.com (replied in the chain) to confirm that she no longer has access to the @dwyl.io email address that was used to register for Apple Dev Account. Let's see what they say. โณ

iteles commented 8 months ago

They've asked for a phone call with me.

I replied to suggest 08h00 on Monday but they didn't reply and they only work weekdays so let's see when they get back to me.

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

Thanks for following up @iteles Meanwhile the Google Play Account #346 is verified. โœ…

iteles commented 8 months ago

Spoke to Apple Developer Support this morning.

Jumped through the hoops to confirm our identity and agreed we'd create a new Apple ID, register it as a developer account and then they'll link the account on their side. I have been told this will take 24 hours though.

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

@iteles when I tried to create the new Dev Account last week I wasn't allowed to. ๐Ÿ˜ž Are you sure they will allow you to create a new one and link it? ๐Ÿ”— ๐Ÿคž

iteles commented 8 months ago

I've created a new Apple ID And signed that up for a developer account (thanks for getting he erring the D-U-N-S number @nelsonic) as instructed earlier.

I emailed Apple support to let them know if was done straight away. Hopefully we'll know more soon.

nelsonic commented 8 months ago

Thanks. Let's hope they prioritise it. ๐Ÿคž

iteles commented 8 months ago

I created the new ID and registered it as a developer account as they asked me and got the same email you did @nelsonic, saying that the company was already registered.

Going back over the email I was sent from Apple Dev, they suggest that all I need to do is log in and log out of the developer website to register a presence rather than full enrollment:


I have emailed them again today to confirm this and my understanding and to make myself available for a call any time.

Fingers crossed they get to it soon ๐Ÿคž

iteles commented 8 months ago
iteles commented 8 months ago


Now we just have to pay the membership and we're ready to go.


Annoyingly, my card doesn't seem to be working @nelsonic, so let's please convene and use one of yours asap until the DWYL card arrives.

nelsonic commented 7 months ago

@iteles can you sit down with me and we can get this paid today after lunch? ๐Ÿ™

nelsonic commented 6 months ago

@iteles don't know if you saw my previous message ... โณ (I know you have a lot on ...) If you can either grant me access to the account or sit down with me for T10min to get this done. ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป ๐Ÿ™ For: https://github.com/dwyl/app/pull/343#issuecomment-1779683574

iteles commented 6 months ago

@nelsonic Let's just grab our laptops and sit and get this done today. I can't remember the access details but they will be on my computer.

nelsonic commented 6 months ago

@iteles Ready when you are. ๐Ÿ’ป ๐Ÿ‘Œ