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Front-End Testing - SauceLabs / BrowserStack / other...? #63

Open nelsonic opened 9 years ago

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

Given how simple the MVP UI is going to be, can we build it using basic HTML5 + JS (without any framework) and just focus on the usability for now? To that end I propose that the only Front-End testing we do is https://saucelabs.com/ ... thoughts?

iteles commented 9 years ago

Agree that for the MVP stage, HTML5, CSS3 and JS (vanilla or jQuery for conciseness of code) will be more than enough.
Saucelabs seems sensible at this stage as we already know it - unless someone knows of a better alternative? I also have 'look for alternatives to Huxley' on my to-do list as Huxley has now been archived.

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

I'm not delighted by the learning curve (for new team members of Selenium in general but specifically SauceLabs) so should we consider BrowserStack: https://www.browserstack.com/automate/node

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

Other options:

iteles commented 9 years ago

I spent quite a long time last night looking into using PhantomJS with Selenium, using GhostDriver as the driver. The learning curve seems relatively shallow once a step by step of the setup is written and doesn't require grunt like Saucelabs does.

However, it looks like the GhostDriver project hasn't been updated in 5 months so it turns out not a great choice.

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

@iteles were you able to find good examples of tests written for WD ?

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

Sadly, what it comes down to, is that all these testing system have been built by engineers for engineers/QAs and not with humans in mind. Except for eggPlant which uses SenseTalk (which approximates English) for writing tests... I quite liked using Capybara back in the ruby days, but still thought it was _too complex_ for complete beginners and non-technical people.

there must be a better way

iteles commented 9 years ago

I haven't found anything simple and especially not really anything with well commented examples. All testing material out there assumes a lot of knowledge already which is terrible for beginners who want to do TDD from day 1.

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

Does this: http://git.io/pjTa read like English...? :confused:

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

_BTW_ what do you think of the word Liso ("smooth") for a testing framework?

iteles commented 9 years ago

Pretty sure it would be Laizoe or Lízoe depending on how proficient they are :wink:

iteles commented 9 years ago

Wow. So not testing was incredibly time consuming. And painful. Testing the same possible bugs manually over and over again every time we made a commit (and there were a lot of commits) is clearly not efficient or particularly effective. Which means we need to revisit front end testing and make a decision on what we'll use for the next MVP iteration :+1:

nelsonic commented 9 years ago

@iteles well _volunteered_!

oneguy commented 7 years ago

I know it's been a year since anyone posted, but there are other tools on the market for gui test automation. I've tried most of them, and my favorite is the free zaptest:

iteles commented 7 years ago

Thanks @oneguy, we'all look into it! Although we're now going to start building this app again in 2017, possibly in Elm, in the meantime we've mostly been using nightwatch, so we wrote this tutorial on it :blush:

oneguy commented 7 years ago

Cool! I've never heard of Nightwatch before, I'll check it out.. Thanks, @iteles !

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@oneguy thank you for sharing ZapTest! 👍 What's your experience with using it on a project? 🤔 Was it easy to set up? 💭 Did you use the "Free Edition" or the "Enterprise Editions"? I cannot see how much it costs for "Enterprise"... do you know? Also, cannot see if the source is available for modification. (is it "Open Source"...?)

Thanks again!! ❤️




danielleitcs commented 7 years ago

You might find real user reviews for Sauce Labs, Browserstack and all the other major functional testing tools on IT Central Station to be helpful.

As an example, this user writes in his review of Sauce Labs, "It has made our end to end testing roughly 25 percent faster." You can read the rest of his review here.

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@danielleitcs thanks very much for sharing that link to reviews. ✅

testingbot commented 7 years ago

If interested, we can offer a free open-source plan - we support Nightwatch testing. Keep up the good work!

laddu1986 commented 2 years ago

Hello Dears, I am looking for a solution of using eggplant functional tests triggered in sauce labs or any other cloud execution environment for execution. Kindly suggest any cloud infrstaucture to use my eggplant functional tests ecxecuted from my eggplant Functional or DAI tool.