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Learning AWS, Lambda, SES and Updating the AWS SDK Mock Module #10

Open nelsonic opened 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

Most people beginning an apprenticeship haven't had any exposure to Amazon Web Services (AWS). This is to be expected given that there is so much to learn already!

AWS is by far the most popular "Cloud" ("infrastructure-as-a-serivce") provider, so learning how to use it will be beneficial to any apprentice regardless of where you end up working!

@dwyl we have a number of repositories related to AWS: https://github.com/dwyl?q=aws including several tutorials e.g: image

All of these AWS-related repos need some TLC (review/updating/streamlining) to bring them up-to-date with the latest UI/SDK.


Once you are (reasonably) confident in your AWS knowledge/skills our aws-sdk-mock module needs some TLC ...


The module is quite popular: aws-sdk-mock And if who ever gives it some attention will be made a co-maintainer on NPM: image

finnhodgkin commented 7 years ago

Sounds great! Me and @ZooeyMiller are happy to have a go :+1:

ZooeyMiller commented 7 years ago

Really happy to work on this! Will get cracking :tada:

ZooeyMiller commented 7 years ago

today we ran through learn-amazon-web-services and raised issues on the repo as we went, we've made prs relating to them, one is a [WiP]. It took us a little longer than hoped due to getting stuck on a couple of things but these have been tracked in issues and solutions will be added to the readme.

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@finnhodgkin & @ZooeyMiller please remember to create any ("sub") issues for tasks and estimate (i.e. "time box") how much time you intend to spend working on the issue. thanks!