dwyl / auth

🚪 🔐 UX-focussed Turnkey Authentication Solution for Web Apps/APIs (Documented, Tested & Maintained)
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[Epic] Session Management #30

Open nelsonic opened 5 years ago

nelsonic commented 5 years ago


People expect that "Login" (Authentication / Authorisation) "just works ™". Nobody wants to have to re-authenticate each time they use a Web App1. Being forced to re-authenticate creates usage friction and in some cases abandonment. When Login fails it can be "catastrophic" to any app, getting it right is worth the investment!

1The exception to this rule is Online Banking, which has conditioned people to expect a short session duration. This makes perfect sense because financial services are transactional by nature; people login to their Online Banking to perform a specific task like "check balance" or "transfer money" which only takes a few clicks. Very few people have a reason to keep their Online Banking open for longer than a few minutes. Automatically timing-out a session after 10 minutes of inactivity is the appropriate UX.


As a "user" (person using a web application) I want to be able to login once and have the App remember me for as long as I'm using the app. So that I don't have to keep logging in each time I use the App.

We don't want to force people to constantly login to the App because it gets "old" very fast and will result in people being less effective with their time (wasting time logging into apps is a "time tax" nobody wants to keep paying!)

sessions Schema

session example

The row2 number in the table below corresponds to the action taken.

  1. Start - start the session with a particular device. Notice how there is no prev when the session starts.
  2. IP Address Change - Whenever a mobile device moves between cell towers its' IP Address can/will change. Some Auth systems will reject subsequent requests from the new IP and force the device to re-authenticate, we need to make this configurable for high-stakes apps (like fintech) , but for now, we are simply going to allow an IP address change provided the session is still valid. see: https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/182998/does-ip-address-change-mobile-net
  3. End - the session is ended and a timestamp is inserted for the end_at column.
row inserted_at cid (PK) session_id person_id ip_address2 end_at device_id prev
1 1541609554 2oGsEgN 2oGsEgN 9c null 1BA6546A null
2 1541609554 e096d100 2oGsEgN 9c null 1BA6546A 2oGsEgN
3 1541609876 ab4362a3 2oGsEgN 9c 1541609876 1BA6546A e096d100

1Again the row number is included purely for illustrative purposes and would not be needed in the actual table as we already have a cid as Primary Key.


You may have noticed in the sessions schema above that a session record includes a reference to device_id this is an attempt2 to track which device is being used for a particular session so that we can provide a better service.3

We have implemented this Device data "anonymisation" and hashing before in: https://github.com/dwyl/hits#implementation-detail and https://github.com/dwyl/hits-elixir So we can easily get the user_agent and ip_address data from the conn

2 The reason we say an "attempt" to track which device is making the requests is because we are aware of the fact that both IP Address and Browser User Agent are "spoofable" see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoofing_attack and therefore should not be the only means of trust when a sensitive query is performed.

3 Device list will be stored independently of personal information and used for service quality and analytics exclusively, not to charge iOS/Mac users more, airline/travel industry!!


We need a sophisticated approach to session management that will ensure both flawless UX and excellent security for all people using our App on any device. These are the areas we need to cover:

Each one of these checklist items will need it's own issue/story with UX/UI flow & logic. I will get these opened shortly. ⏳

If you are ever in any doubt as to what/how we should implement sessions (or anything else) for Auth, Google is the "reference implementation" to consult. if you are not already using any Google Apps (G Suite, Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Meet, etc), consider trying it out just for professional curiosity.

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

This is the next logical thing to tackle in Auth. After PR #43 is merged. 👍

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

Sessions working as expected: image


session.end updated in AuthWeb.AuthController.logout/2 which in turn invokes Auth.Session.end_session/1 image

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

PR: #159 assigned for review. :shipit: