dwyl / aws-sdk-mock

:rainbow: AWSomocks for Javascript/Node.js aws-sdk tested, documented & maintained. Contributions welcome!
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Mock doesn't work inside of a class #231

Open TooManyLogs opened 3 years ago

TooManyLogs commented 3 years ago

Hi, having some trouble getting mock to work inside a class.

In the following code the mock is not being called at all when testing class

describe(`Mock test`, () => {

    it(`should mock call out from lambda`, done => {

        AWS.mock('Lambda', 'invoke', (params, callback) => callback(null, {
            Payload: {}

        executeLambda(lambda, event, (callbackErr, callbackDone) => {


This is an example of the class based approach i'm trying to test

module.exports = class MyIntent {

async handle () {
    await this.invoke('myParam');

invoke (paramName = {
}) {

    const params = {

    return Client.invoke(params)
        .then(response =>


The same code without class will run the mock when testing

exports.handle = event => {

async function handle () {
    await invoke('myParam');

function invoke (paramName = {
}) {

    const params = {

    return Client.invoke(params)
        .then(response =>

thomaux commented 2 years ago

@TooManyLogs I believe the issue here is that your class is not initialised and hence not picked up as a handler.

Change the export statement to:

class MyIntent {
    async handle () {
        await this.invoke('myParam');

    invoke (paramName = {}) {
        const params = {

        return Client.invoke(params)
            .then(response =>

module.exports = new MyIntent();