dwyl / aws-sdk-mock

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APIGateway Methods Fail to Mock #75

Open wongJonathan opened 7 years ago

wongJonathan commented 7 years ago

Hi I've been trying to mock some APIGatway Methods but for some reason it still seems to be going through to AWS.

My code: In my index.js:

clearDomainName() {
        return this.apigateway.deleteDomainName({domainName: this.givenDomainName}).promise();

In my index.test.js:

it('Delete the domain name', function () {
        AWS.mock('APIGateway', 'deleteDomainName', testDomainData);
        plugin.clearDomainName().then(function (data) {

Error that I receive:

     UnknownEndpoint: Inaccessible host: `apigateway.us-moon-1.amazonaws.com'. This service may not be available in the `us-moon-1' region.

Showing that the method was not mocked and things are going through to aws.

Am I doing something wrong or is this function not supported?

Thanks for the help!

wongJonathan commented 7 years ago

Any help? The only thing I can think would be on my part would be spelling and I'm pretty sure I spelled it right otherwise it would give me an error.