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📗 Our Book on Full-Stack Web Application Development covering User Experience (UX) Design, Mobile/Offline/Security First, Progressive Enhancement, Continuous Integration/Deployment, Testing (UX/TDD/BDD), Performance-Driven-Development and much more!
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Your Code as a Crime Scene #63

Open nelsonic opened 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

The fact that this Book even exists should tell "non-technical" people a lot about the software development industry...

https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1680500384 code-as-a-crime-scene

If you haven't had the experience of inheriting and having to maintain/extend a "Legacy" Codebase, either ignore this issue and an thank your lucky stars, or if you want to feel the pain get a job at a company/organisation that's at least 20 years old and has 50+ "engineers" ...

I've personally felt the pain on numerous occasions. And the worst is when there's brand new instant legacy code ... i.e. code that is bad while it's being written ... and you are powerless to course-correct! 😢

Technical knowledge has never been more essential. At all levels of the organisation. So that legacy decisions can be avoided!