dwyl / contributing

:clipboard: Guidelines & Workflow for people contributing to our project(s) on GitHub. Please :star: to confirm you've read & understood! :white_check_mark:
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How do we know people have read our contributing guide? #39

Open nelsonic opened 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

Step 4 of the Seven Steps in https://github.com/dwyl/hq/issues/147 is to :star: this repo.



encouraging (requiring) people to :star: the repo to confirm they have read/understood and intend to follow the process is the only way I could think of to foster the necessary behaviour for success in 2017.

The prospect of getting $300 Headphones is a pretty decent "carrot" when you consider that reading the README.md. will take no more than 10 minutes.

We have collectively wasted countless hours of Dev & QA time over the past year because people have not been required to follow process. ⌛️ 💸 🔥 Hours that should have been spent on the craft/features. Which would have made users/stakeholders/clients happy.


It's my fault for not making sure we had a clearer "onboarding" process... We're going to fix it in 2017.

DWYL will be a well-oiled machine running on a hydrogen fuel-cell producing water in the desert! 👍

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

Simple: we ask people to :star: the repo after they have read the guidelines...! ✅