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Why (having and following a) Process Matters?! #51

Open nelsonic opened 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago


A humorous GIF explaining why working in a team of software developers can be frustrating: tasks https://twitter.com/iamdevloper/status/789234931599835136

The point is that when you are alone you feel like you can make progress quickly. And when you work in a large team in a "big" company it can feel like trying to lift a freight train using a crowbar... 😭

The reason working in large teams often is so painful is that:

Point is, when the steps in the process gets followed everyone knows what is going on. We have worked in places with literally dozens of steps just to create a "User Story" in Jira! 😧 We have attempted to streamline our "process" down to the minimum number of steps. If you can spot an area for simplification, we would love to hear about it!! thanks! ❤️

relates to #44

iteles commented 7 years ago

Much needed clarification, I find myself explaining this all the time :+1: