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QA to add 'please test' labels #68

Open jay-meister opened 7 years ago

jay-meister commented 7 years ago

Finally someone on the team (usually the developer who created the PR) applies the please-test label to any issues mentioned in the PR so that the Product Owner and/or User Testing Team are aware that the feature is ready to test.

Given that the QA has opened all issues that the PR has referenced as part of their PR review, I thought it would make most sense for that person to add the 'please test' label to the relevant issues rather than the developer.

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@JMurphyWeb good point. we will get "dwylbot" to do this for us! 😉

jay-meister commented 7 years ago

Yeah i guess it is up for discussion, having never QA'd before, my angle is definitely coming from the developers side.

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@JMurphyWeb the question you've always got to ask yourself is: "whose time is scarcest?" 😉 When you have to QA 3 projects and still get your own work done your time vanishes. 😢 the solution is really to Automate this task, so we're going to have to write a "Bot" (specifically "DWYLBot") that will do the mundane things like applying "workflow labels" to issues/PRs for us. 🤖 #SolveProblemsOnceAndForAllByAutomating!!

meanwhile, until dwylbot is active, I would say that for now it should be part of the Dev's task(s) to apply the please-test label. 🏷

jay-meister commented 7 years ago

@nelsonic fair enough. I would then ask the question that if a QA doesn't have time to add a please test label to an issue that is already open as part of their work flow, then they are possibly being squeezed a bit too tight?

SimonLab commented 7 years ago

link to https://github.com/dwyl/labels/issues/48#issuecomment-277114855 (no automatic please-test label)

ghost commented 7 years ago

Is it the QA that requests the developer to test or the developer that requests the QA to test?

Former > QA applies please-test label Latter > Dev applies please-test label


SimonLab commented 7 years ago

For me: