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Why is 'blog' always highlighted? #431

Open iteles opened 7 years ago

iteles commented 7 years ago

Why is 'blog' in the nav always turquoise, no matter what page I'm on?

I keep thinking it's highlighting the page I'm looking at.

I would also suggest that until we actually have some content, we probably don't want to highlight the Blog link.

screen shot 2017-10-09 at 19 26 29
harrygfox commented 7 years ago

@iteles Just to differentiate it from the other types of links on the navbar. If it's confusing it should go.

iteles commented 7 years ago

Thanks for clarifying @harrygfox! Only confusing because we don't really have one yet! Let's change it now and change it back when we want to differentiate it :+1:

Rob-Rychs commented 6 years ago

half-solved this with my PR which removes the blog link highlighting...

Proposal to fix: create function to get the pathname with JS and match it to the correct menu link, then add class to highlight it

would this go in script.js?

or it's own menu-highlighter.js?