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time estimation rule on issue with priority-1 + bug labels? #135

Closed SimonLab closed 6 years ago

SimonLab commented 7 years ago

Do we want dwylbot to remind the user to add a time estimation on an issue with a priority-1 and bug labels? These kind of issues might be difficult to estimate if the bugs are still investigated.

samhstn commented 7 years ago

My preference would be that in this scenario, dwylbot shouldn't comment

SimonLab commented 7 years ago

I would still add an estimation to the issue. I think this can give a first idea how long the task might take and the estimation can still be updated later on. But I also understand that dwylbot can be a bit annoying on this kind of issue. Maybe another type of message in this situation? "Keep calm and debug. Everything will be fine :+1: (any time estimation for this issue?)"

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@SimonLab great question! IMO even if there are many unknowns/uncertainties that require investigation, we should still try to estimate the time required to solve the issue, even if we end up being wildly incorrect. What we need is to:

For example: I estimated that this (P1) issue/task would take me T1d to complete: https://github.com/healthlocker/healthlocker/issues/879 but it has taken me Two Days and I'm still not finished resolving it!

I have been writing comments as I go to keep the team informed of what I'm trying. I think time estimation is a fundamental communication tool we have when working in teams. (even if the "project manager" then keeps asking "is it done yet" ... "will it be done today" ... "what's the status of X" ... because they don't understand how debugging works!!)

If we estimate that something will take T1h and it ends up taking T4h, we should leave a comment explaining why it took longer so everyone is aware of what the complexities are/were.

One of the biggest benefits is that we have a "Scrum Master" who writes code and understands that debugging is not "easy to estimate".

So: @dwylbot should should still comment on P1 if no estimate is given, but should delay commenting for 30mins to avoid "fanning the flames" of the "Production Bug".

iteles commented 7 years ago

:arrow_up: @nelsonic I like that, best of both worlds, a good starting point to test.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Closing as this question was suitably answered