dwyl / dwylbot

:robot: Automating our GitHub Workflow to improve team communication/collaboration and reduce tedious repetition!
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Don't assign reviewer until CI has passed #156

Open Danwhy opened 6 years ago

Danwhy commented 6 years ago

Currently dwylbot can both assign people to review PRs, and alert you when your CI has passed. Would it be possible for dwylbot to only assign the reviewer to the pull request once the CI has passed?

This way, the person opening the PR can add an awaiting review label and request a review, then not have to worry about coming back to check that the CI has passed before assigning. This would save time for the person opening the PR, allowing them to get back to work straight away, and means the reviewer won't get alerted to review a failing build.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@Danwhy thanks for the suggestion! I imagine this is probably possible... @SimonLab / @naazy to confirm