dwyl / dwylbot

:robot: Automating our GitHub Workflow to improve team communication/collaboration and reduce tedious repetition!
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dwylbot automatically add new user to dwyl organisation? #82

Open nelsonic opened 7 years ago

nelsonic commented 7 years ago

@dwylbot could automagically add people to the @dwyl organisation to help more people learn and contribute.

This is done in "nodeschool" e.g: https://github.com/nodeschool/abuja/issues/1 image

However instead of having to manually type @dwylbot add-user janesmith welcome this process would automatically happen whenever someone ⭐️ a dwyl repo.

iteles commented 7 years ago

Love this, great idea and we will save minutes of our lives every month 😉

But seriously, it's a rocketship 🚀 way of building our community, let's definitely do this as a high priority to implement across our repos.

This is also a great MVP @SimonLab as it's super independent and immediately useful.

SimonLab commented 7 years ago

I think it's a good idea, but we might have to find a solution to let dwylbot add a member to the organisation. I don't think at the moment a Github app can directly add a new member. From the description of the api (https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/members/#add-or-update-organization-membership): "In order to create or update a user's membership with an organization, the authenticated user must be an organization owner." This let me think that only a credentials of a login user (using OAuth2) might work. So the issue is to know how the backend can get this kind of token without forcing the user to login. I need to do a splike on this issue to have an idea how to implement it. At the moment I don't have a clear solution unfortunately.