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Template issue to describe a rule #83

Open SimonLab opened 7 years ago

SimonLab commented 7 years ago

When creating a rule we need to describe precisely the details of the rule to avoid confusion during the implementation. I suggestion we should follow this template, but feel free to suggest some idea on how to make it better

The rule {name_of_the_rule} is triggered by the event: {github_event}. If {condition_1} [AND | OR] {condition_2} [AND | OR] ... based on the data extracted from the [ISSUE | PR] Then apply on the [ISSUE | PR] the following actions:


An simple but complete example: The rule in_progress_no_assigne is triggered by the event: the "in-progress" label is added to the issue" If the list of assignee is empty Then

iteles commented 7 years ago


iteles commented 7 years ago

I'm serious!

ghost commented 7 years ago

When creating a rule we need to describe precisely the details of the rule to avoid confusion during the implementation.

Agreed 👍

SimonLab commented 7 years ago

@iteles yes sorry. It took me a while to try to find a good way to describe with test the rule, and just seeing that Github provide an easy way to create issue template make me laugh on the moment. Defeneitly something I will implement, I should have done some research before creating a long issue. Thanks for the link :+1:

ghost commented 7 years ago