Implementation plan for a github oauth plugin for elixir.
Things what we should think about
What features does hapi-auth-github have?
construct url for post to github (with the client id/client secret)
construct a callback route
sends a post request for a github token
makes another request using the token to get user details
How analogous are these to Elixir?
'constructing a callback route' is handled very differently in Phoenix/Elixir. We had a read through the Ueberauth code and couldn't figure out how they hijack certain routes. A simpler solution is to just add a set of functions to our module that can then be called within user defined routes. This has the advantage of being less magic because the developers get to pick the names of all the routes and can more easily replace portions of the code.
How do we make these features in Elixir?
Add a module with two public functions
redirect - redirects the user to a GH Oauth route constructed using the application OAuth client id.
callback - recieves a conn containing a Github response code and makes two requests using it: a token request and then one for user data. Add the user data to the conn and return it.
Would you need any dependencies?
Something for making HTTP requests, probably HTTPoison
sending the secret and token to github in exchange for the information
Pain points
Intercepting the http request
As a result:
Our idea of an "MVP" for this module would be to have it so the the module handles:
The initial request to github with the application client id.
The request to github with the client's token and the application client secret
The user would still have to handle:
Creating a route and handler to then call our function which goes to github to get the client token
A route and handler for the callback URL which will then call our function which will go back up to github for the final call for the user's information
Dealing with the user's information and token as it comes back from github
How long would it take?
For a 100% covered, deployed module, with an example, we think 2 days is a reasonable estimation.
Quite hard to judge specifics until we've done some more research on building modules
[x] Spike on HTTPoison 1hr
[x] Spike on plugs/Phoenix so we can redirect to the correct Github url within a module function 2hr
[x] Spike on creating a new hex module 1hr
[x] Nice documentation 1-2hrs
[x] Write login redirect 1hr
[x] Build callback requests to get user data 2hrs
[x] Explore error handling and edge cases 1hr
[x] Add meta data and add the module to Hex 1hr
[x] 100% test coverage 2-4hrs depending on how much error handling we have to do.
See hapi-auth-github/issues/28 for the original issue.
Implementation plan for a github oauth plugin for elixir.
Things what we should think about
What features does hapi-auth-github have?
How analogous are these to Elixir?
How do we make these features in Elixir?
containing a Github response code and makes two requests using it: a token request and then one for user data. Add the user data to theconn
and return it.Would you need any dependencies?
How do we deploy the module to Hex?
filemix hex.publish
Things which will probably be fine:
Pain points
As a result:
Our idea of an "MVP" for this module would be to have it so the the module handles:
The user would still have to handle:
How long would it take?
Quite hard to judge specifics until we've done some more research on building modules
Total: 12-14hrs
Implementation for ueberauth
I would say, rather than creating a module for use with ueberauth if that is what we decided, we would write a detailed tutorial for ueberauth with github, extending that which @finnhodgkin has already written here: