dwyl / english-words

:memo: A text file containing 479k English words for all your dictionary/word-based projects e.g: auto-completion / autosuggestion
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Very long and silly abbreviations? #33

Open a-raccoon opened 6 years ago

a-raccoon commented 6 years ago

The list suggests that the words elect. and mineral. are abbreviations, though I cannot verify this. There are also a lot of very long jargon abbreviations like anthrop. and anthropol. and palaeontol. It seems that many of these are borrowed from biology/medical and geology jargons. I'm not sure if they belong.

a-raccoon commented 6 years ago

List of all 1259 entries ending with a dot (period).

A. A.A.A. A.B. A.B.A. A.C. A.D. A.D.C. A.F. A.F.A.M. A.G. A.H. A.I. A.I.A. A.I.D. A.L. A.L.P. A.M. A.M.A. A.M.D.G. A.N. a.p. a.r. A.R.C.S. A.U. A.U.C. A.V. a.w. A.W.O.L. abl. abr. acc. accel. acct. acpt. actg. add. adj. adjt. Adm. adv. advt. ae. aeron. aet. Af. agcy. agr. agric. agron. al. Ala. Alas. Alb. Ald. Alg. alk. alt. Alta. alum. Am. Amer. amp. amt. an. anal. anat. Angl. anim. ann. anon. ant. anthrop. anthropol. antiq. Apoc. app. approx. Apr. apt. Ar. Arab. Arch. archaeol. archit. archt. Arg. Ariz. Ark. Arm. arr. art. Assyr. assn. assoc. asst. astr. astrol. at. atm. att. atty. attrib. aud. Aug. Aus. Aust. Austral. auth. auto. aux. av. avdp. Ave. avg. avn. avoir. ax. B.A. B.A.A. B.Arch. B.B.C. B.C. B.C.E. B.C.L. B.Ch. B.D. B.D.S. B.E. B.E.F. B.E.M. B.Ed. b.f. B.L. B.Litt. B.M. B.Mus. B.O. B.O.D. B.P. B.Phil. B.R.C.S. B.S. B.S.S. B.Sc. B.T.U. B.V. B.V.M. bact. bacteriol. bal. Balt. bar. barit. Bart. bbl. bd. bdl. Belg. Beng. bet. Bib. Bibl. bibliog. biog. biol. Byz. bk. bkcy. bkg. bks. bl. bldg. blk. Bn. Bol. bor. bot. bp. Br. Braz. Brig. Brit. bros. Bt. btl. btry. bu. bul. Bulg. bull. Bur. bus. bx. C. C.A. C.A.F. C.B. C.B.D. C.B.E. C.C. C.D. C.E. C.F. C.G. c.h. C.I. C.I.O. c.m. C.M.G. C.O. C.O.D. C.P. C.R. C.S. C.T. C.V.O. c.w.o. ca. Cal. Calif. Camb. Can. Canad. canc. Cant. cap. caps. Capt. Card. cat. Cath. caus. Cav. cc. cd. Cdr. Celt. cen. cent. cert. cf. cg. ch. Ch.B. Ch.E. chap. chem. chg. Chin. chm. Chr. Chron. chs. cyl. cir. cit. civ. cl. class. Cmdr. cml. Co. cog. Col. coll. collat. colloq. Colo. Com. comb. comdg. Comdr. Comdt. comm. comp. compar. Comr. Con. conc. conf. Cong. conj. Conn. Cons. constr. cont. contd. contemp. contr. contrib. coop. Cor. corp. corr. correl. cp. cpd. cr. crim. cryst. crit. cs. ct. ctr. cts. cur. cwt. Czech. D. D.A. D.B.E. D.C. D.C.L. D.C.M. D.D. D.D.S. D.Eng. D.F. D.F.C. D.J. D.O. D.O.A. D.O.M. D.P. D.P.H. D.P.W. D.S. D.S.C. D.S.M. D.S.O. D.Sc. D.V. D.V.M. d.w.t. Dak. Dan. dat. dbl. dd. deb. Dec. decd. decl. decresc. def. deg. Del. Dem. Den. denom. dent. dep. dept. der. deriv. desc. Deut. di. diag. dial. diam. dict. diff. dig. dim. Din. dipl. dir. disc. dist. distr. div. dk. dlr. dlvy. do. doc. dol. Dom. doz. dpt. Dr. Du. dup. Dur. dz. E. E.E. e.g. E.I. e.o. e.o.m. E.R. E.T.A. E.T.D. E.V. ea. eccl. Ecclus. ecol. econ. Ecua. ed. edit. educ. Eg. elect. elem. Eliz. embryol. Emp. enc. ency. encl. Eng. engin. engr. enl. Ens. entomol. Ep. Eph. Epiph. Epis. eq. equiv. Esd. esp. Esq. est. Esth. etc. Eth. ethnol. Eur. Ex. Exc. exch. excl. exec. Exod. exp. exr. ext. Ez. Ezek. f. F.A.M. F.A.S. F.B.A. f.c. F.D. F.I. F.O. f.o.b. F.P. f.p.s. f.s. f.v. F.Z.S. fac. fam. fath. Feb. fec. Fed. fem. ff. fig. Fin. Fl. Fla. fld. Flem. flor. fm. fo. fol. foll. for. fort. Fr. freq. Fri. Fris. Frs. frt. ft. fth. fur. fut. fwd. G. G.A. G.A.R. G.B. G.B.E. G.C.B. G.C.F. G.C.M. G.H.Q. G.I. G.M. G.O. G.O.P. G.P. G.P.O. G.P.U. G.S. g.u. g.v. Ga. Gal. gaz. gds. Gen. geneal. genit. Genl. geod. geog. geol. geom. Ger. gi. gl. gloss. glt. Goth. Gov. Govt. Gr. gram. gro. gt. gtd. guar. Guat. Guin. h. h.a. H.C. H.C.F. H.H. H.I. H.I.H. H.M. H.M.S. H.P. H.Q. H.R. H.R.H. h.s. H.S.H. H.S.M. H.V. Hab. Hag. hd. hdqrs. Heb. her. herp. hf. hgt. Hind. hyp. hypoth. hist. Hond. hor. horol. hort. Hos. hosp. hr. ht. Hung. i. Y. I.C. I.C.S. I.D. i.e. I.F.S. I.M. Y.M.C.A. Y.M.H.A. I.N.D. I.O.O.F. i.q. I.R.A. Y.T. I.T.U. I.V. Y.W.C.A. Y.W.H.A. I.W.W. Ia. ib. ibid. Ice. Icel. ichthyol. id. ign. Ill. illust. imit. Imp. imper. imperf. impers. impf. impv. in. Inc. incl. incr. Ind. indef. indic. induc. Inf. infin. init. inorg. ins. insp. inst. instr. int. intens. inter. interj. internat. interrog. intr. intrans. intro. inv. invt. Ir. Iran. Ire. irreg. yrs. Is. Isth. Ital. Yugo. J. J.A. J.A.G. J.C. J.C.D. J.C.L. J.C.S. J.D. J.P. J.S.D. J.W.V. Ja. Jam. Jan. Jap. Jas. Jav. jct. Jer. JJ. Josh. jour. Jr. Jud. Jul. Jun. jurisp. K. K.B.E. K.C.B. K.C.M.G. K.C.V.O. K.G. K.K.K. K.O. K.P. K.T. K.V. Kans. kg. Ky. kl. km. kn. Knt. kr. Kt. L. L.A. l.c. L.C.L. L.D.S. l.h. L.I. L.P. L.S.D. l.t. La. Lab. Lam. lang. Lat. lb. Ld. lea. lect. leg. Lev. Levit. lex. lexicog. lg. lgth. Lib. Lieut. lin. ling. liq. lit. Lith. litho. lithol. ll. LL.B. LL.D. LL.M. loq. Lt. Ltd. Luth. Lux. lv. M. M.A. M.Arch. M.B. M.B.A. M.B.E. M.C. M.D. M.E. M.Ed. M.I.A. M.M. m.m.f. M.O. M.P. M.P.S. M.S. m.s.l. M.Sc. Macc. Maced. mach. Madag. mag. Man. manuf. Mar. March. marg. masc. math. Matt. max. Md. Me. mech. med. Medit. mem. met. metal. metaph. meteorol. mfd. mi. Mic. Mich. mycol. Mid. mil. milit. min. mineral. Minn. misc. Miss. myth. mk. mkt. ml. MM. Mo. mod. Moham. mol. Mon. Mont. Mr. Mrs. MS. Msgr. Mt. mtg. mun. mus. Mus.B. N. N.A. N.B. N.C. N.C.O. n.d. N.F. N.G. N.I. N.Y. N.Y.C. N.J. n.p. N.S. N.S.W. N.T. N.U.T. N.W.T. N.Z. Nah. natl. naut. nav. navig. Nebr. Neh. Neth. neut. Nev. nom. Nor. Norw. Nov. nr. numis. O. O.B. O.C. O.D. o.e. O.E.D. O.F.M. O.G. O.P. o.r. O.S. O.S.A. O.S.B. O.S.D. O.S.F. O.T.C. ob. Obad. obb. obdt. obj. obs. obstet. Oc. occas. oceanog. Oct. off. Okla. Om. Ont. op. opp. orch. ord. ordn. Oreg. org. orig. ornithol. Orth. oz. P. P.A. P.B. P.C. P.D. P.E. P.E.I. P.G. P.I. P.M. P.M.G. P.O. P.O.D. P.P. p.q. P.R. p.r.n. P.S. P.T. P.T.O. P.W.D. Pa. payt. Pal. palaeontol. pam. Pan. par. Parl. part. pass. pat. pathol. pc. pct. pd. ped. Pen. Penn. per. pert. Pet. petrog. petrol. pf. Pg. Phil. Philem. philol. philos. phys. phon. phonol. phot. photom. phr. phren. pizz. pk. pkg. pkt. pl. plat. plur. pm. poet. Pol. polit. Port. pos. poss. pot. pp. ppd. Pr. pred. pref. prelim. prem. prep. Pres. Presb. pret. prim. priv. prob. proc. prod. Prog. prom. pron. prop. propr. pros. Prot. Prov. prox. prs. Prus. Ps. pseud. psychoanal. psychol. pt. ptg. pts. pub. publ. Pvt. pwt. Q. Q.C. q.e. Q.E.D. Q.E.F. Q.F. q.t. q.v. ql. Qq. qr. qt. qto. qu. quad. quart. Que. ques. quot. R. R.A. R.A.A.F. R.A.M. R.C. R.C.A.F. R.C.M.P. R.C.P. R.C.S. R.E. r.h. R.I. R.I.B.A. R.I.P. R.M.A. R.M.S. R.N. r.p.s. R.Q. R.R. R.S.V.P. rad. rall. rcd. rcpt. Rd. Re. rect. redupl. ref. refl. Reg. Regt. rel. Rep. rept. req. resp. retd. Rev. rheo. rhet. rit. riv. rm. Rom. rpt. Rs. rt. Rus. Russ. Rwy. S. s.a. S.D. s.g. S.J. S.J.D. s.l. S.M. s.o. S.P. S.R.O. S.T.D. S.W.A. S.W.G. Sab. Sam. Sans. Sask. Sat. Sax. sb. sc. sch. sci. Scot. scr. Script. sculp. sd. sec. sect. Sem. Sept. seqq. sgd. shpt. shr. shtg. Sig. sym. synd. sing. synop. Syr. syst. sld. So. sociol. Sol. Sp. spec. spp. Sq. sqq. Sr. Sra. Srta. ss. St. stacc. stat. std. Ste. ster. stg. stge. str. subj. Suffr. superl. supp. Supt. surg. surv. Sw. Switz. t. t.b. t.g. T.H.I. tab. tbs. tech. teleg. temp. ten. Tenn. ter. term. terr. Teut. Tex. Th.B. Th.D. theol. Thess. Thurs. tinct. typ. typw. Tit. Tob. topog. tox. tr. trans. transf. transl. transp. trig. Tu. Turk. U. U.A.R. U.C. U.K. U.S. U.S.A. U.S.S. U.V. Ukr. Unit. Univ. Uru. V. V.A. V.C. v.d. v.g. V.I. V.P. V.R. v.s. v.v. V.W. Va. val. var. Vat. vb. vel. Ven. vet. Vic. vil. viz. vo. voc. vols. vs. Vt. Vul. Vulg. vv. W. W.A. w.b. W.C. W.C.T.U. W.D. w.f. W.I. w.l. W.O. Wal. Wash. wd. whf. whsle. Wyo. Wis. Wisd. wk. wkly. wmk. Xn. Xnty. Xt. z. Zech. Zeph. zool.

tomprogers commented 6 years ago

This is kind of a philosophical issue.

If you ask someone in a book store for a dictionary, they probably aren't going to ask you what you intend to do with it. The reason is not that your purposes are unimportant, but because the available options available are all essentially identical. But in the context of computing, there are many fundamentally different goals that each call for different inclusion criteria.

Consider: words.txt contains 466,544 strings, of which only 416,290 are entirely letters. That leaves 53,624 "words" that probably include abbreviations, compound words joined with hyphens, partial words that begin or end with joiners like apostrophes or dashes, and possessive forms. Certainly "nurse" is a word, and probably "nurses" is an importantly different word, but what about "nurse's" and "nurses'"? Lexicographers will answer that question differently than a programmer, and with good reason.

The author of this wordlist has included all kinds of strings that would never appear in a standard printed dictionary (including many of the abbreviations you've listed), as well as parts of words (like -i-). I assume this is because the author's initial purpose was building an autosuggest tool, and including these odds and ends is perhaps appropriate in that context. However, if you're building something that's supposed to generate random sentences, or indicate whether user input is a valid word, many of those bits are undesirable.

Many of the wordlist solutions online divide their master list into several mutually exclusive categories, along with descriptions of what kinds of strings can be found in each, so that downstream consumers can intelligently assemble a list that suits their purposes -- see for example Moby Words II.

EDIT: Wikipedia links to Moby 2 appear to be broken. Project Gutenberg hosts a copy of Moby Words 2, which I have verified works.

a-raccoon commented 6 years ago

Indeed. Hopefully this analysis proves useful to someone. Many of the words are of a small selection of jargons (medical, geological) and definitely not exhaustive. Many long dictionary words are also duplicated as quizzical abbreviations denoted with a period at the end. These are fairly distinct attributes to this list compared to what one might encounter in other word lists.

Ultimately, I ended up removing all words that contain characters other than A-Z, a-z, hyphen (-), and apostrophe ('), and words composed of all uppercase lettering, and all words less than 4 letters long. This provided me with a fairly functional dictionary.

I also grabbed the free "top 1 million n-grams" lists from this site, and compiled a dictionary of words from it, These lists were also not without fault, containing a lot of newspaper websites and reporter email addresses. You also have to remove the tab character between word and n't, for words like don't.

https://www.ngrams.info/download_coca.asp (choose the center row; case sensitive: 2,3,4,5. email address verification required to download.)

bsoyka commented 5 years ago

This can probably be closed now.

dan-ahlquist commented 4 years ago

Thanks for retaining these abbreviations. As stated above, it's nice to have an ultra-inclusive word list that can be filtered by the user. For example, I'm interested in building and solving word puzzles, which regularly include abbreviations like those above.