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Regular meditation more beneficial than vacation #130

Open nelsonic opened 4 years ago

nelsonic commented 4 years ago


iteles commented 2 years ago

@nelsonic Do you use the Calm app?

I used to use it every day before 👶 and I think we'll use the children's sleep stories again with him though maybe not for a while.

They have a half price lifetime membership deal on at the moment, making it $150 (about £113).

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

@iteles lifetime as in on-off payment forever? 🤷‍♂️ Please share a link (and or screenshot) when discussing this kind of deal. 🔗

I haven't used Calm in while because the interface is slow and they force me to scroll through their BS promoted crap to get to the stuff I actually want. I would much rather build something that meets my basic needs:

  1. Basic calming sounds for work e.g. forrest/nature, cafe or other white/pink noise. 🎧 👩‍💻
  2. Basic (no celebrity BS) guided meditation. 🧘‍♀️
  3. Sleep sounds/stories to block out noises and help drift off. 🛌

Finally I want a basic "days visited" calendar system that helps me track how often I've used the App. 📆 As it is Calm does have a basic "Longest Streak" feature, but it's a token feature that offers zero actionable insight.

The fact that Calm or any of the other meditation apps/services does not allow me to customise the interface and hide the crap I don't want (to see), always bugs me. It's the same beef I have with all Closed Source / Proprietary software. If Calm was Open Source or had an API where I could source the sounds/meditations I would very gladly pay this (one off) "lifetime membership"; it's cheap at double the price!

tl:dr > 100% up-to-you.

iteles commented 2 years ago

A Lifetime, one-off payment:

https://www.calm.com/lifetime-offer?coupon=bf2021_lifetime_em_s&email=somethinghere%40testsite.com&lifetime_coupon=bf2021_lifetime_em_s image

I probably don't use it enough right now and they may run this offer again next year 👍