dwyl / hits

:chart_with_upwards_trend: General purpose hits (page views) counter
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Fetching JSON or any other API hits data returns 500 Internal Server Error #266

Closed D00Movenok closed 4 months ago

D00Movenok commented 5 months ago

Hi there! I've been using your awesome project for quite a long time.

A few days ago I noticed that my "visitors" badge is not working. After taking a closer look I discovered that all the API endpoints (https://hits.dwyl.com/D00Movenok/D00Movenok, https://hits.dwyl.com/D00Movenok/D00Movenok.json, https://hits.dwyl.com/D00Movenok/D00Movenok.svg) return an Internal Server Error (500).

Seems that something was broken on the backend.

FurryR commented 5 months ago

I have the same issue. It affected to my projects; is there anything I can do to help?

bearsyankees commented 5 months ago


nelsonic commented 5 months ago

Sadly, the PostgreSQL on Fly.io is not reliable. Zero warning when running out of disk space. Requires some time to recover ... 🙃

LuchoTurtle commented 5 months ago

@nelsonic the only way to fix this is to increase disk space? Don't have access to the logs (for some reason)

nelsonic commented 4 months ago

The volume doesn't appear to be full ... the only one that is used is 4,045 MB of 10GB ... https://fly.io/apps/hits-db/volumes

image image

@LuchoTurtle you are admin. Feel free to poke around non-destructively and see what can be done. 🙏

LuchoTurtle commented 4 months ago

The logs clearly state that the problem is with DB connection. It is currently suspended.


Can I just start it? @nelsonic

nelsonic commented 4 months ago

If it's just a case of booting the DB instance, go for it and monitor closely. But I suspect it might need a boost in RAM. Which will tip us over into the next cost bracket... let's try and see what happens.

LuchoTurtle commented 4 months ago

Just started it. By looking at the logs, the DB seems to be working properly as well.


The hits are looking good as well. If it stops again, we should be able to receive an e-mail of memory issues. It's running on only 564mb of RAM, after all.

Tho it's worth noting that one of the checks is in "critical condition"

vm | critical | 500 Internal Server Error [✓] checkDisk: 5.98 GB (61.3%!)(MISSING) free space on /data/ (389.19µs) [✓] checkLoad: load averages: 0.01 0.02 0.08 (75.37µs) [✓] memory: system spent 132ms of the last 60s waiting on memory (338.17µs) [✓] cpu: system spent 750ms of the last 60s waiting on cpu (34.77µs) [✗] io: system spent 3.28s of the last 10 seconds waiting on io (28.62µs) | 2024-03-02 00:57:43
LuchoTurtle commented 4 months ago

It's been roughly an hour since deploying and it seems to be stable.


I'm closing this issue. If anything happens, it can be reopened.

nelsonic commented 4 months ago

Thanks @LuchoTurtle 🙏