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Gym? #114

Open nelsonic opened 4 years ago

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

Health and fitness are core goals of @home.

Some people find it easier to exercise at a dedicated place like a gym than to exercise at home. I'm a fan of doing bodyweight exercises @home and have been doing them every day for the past couple of years. But I know this is not for everyone and I definitely prefer going to a class with a coach.

There are many gyms in Braga https://www.google.com/search?tbm=lcl&q=gym+braga πŸ‹ image

I've done quite a lot of research into this and only a handful allow you to join without a contract. πŸ’°

Some gyms require a joining fee and a 12 month contract. This is utterly absurd, but I'm guessing they are well-established, have good locations and don't want to let any undesirables join so they have a ridiculous barrier to entry. An even more cynical perspective on this is that I did most of my enquiries during January (the traditional "new year's resolution" month)

FlexGym is the nearest gym to @home that has no joining fee or contract: flexgym.pt The site does not have an english version so Google Translate is your friend if you need it. image

Price plans: http://www.flexgym.pt/precoseplanos image

I am thinking of testing FlexGym for the month of February 2002. (yes, I know it's the shortest i.e. most expensive month of the year! πŸ™„)

@iteles / @edwardcodes are you interested in joining for either of these classes? If we all join, then we get the "everything included" membership for €29.95 (each) image

I'm happy to be a "test dummy" on this and report back if you don't have time right now. πŸ‘

Note: We are considering building a multi-purpose exercise room in the basement of the Sun Room. It's only 4m x 8m and would never be as good as a "real" Gym ... However we think it's perfect for a "yoga studio" where people staying @home can congregate and follow a free training video. e:g https://youtu.be/v7AYKMP6rOE image But the Sun Room will not be built for a few more months, so I think it's worth testing FlexGym

There is also free calisthenics park a short walk from @home: https://calisthenics-parks.com/spots/6724-en-sao-victor-calisthenics-park-r-da-fabrica image But from experience, the "short walk" becomes very long when it's raining ... πŸ’­

iteles commented 4 years ago

I'm interested in trialling the classes before I join. I'm on the back foot about it not even mentioning the style of karate on the website...! I imagine shotokan. Will have to dig out our guis 😊

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

Yeah, it's unclear from the website what style of Karate it is. I've never had any issue with Shotokan, it's the teachers who sometimes spoil it with over-emphasis on Kumite ... Shotokan is meant to practice the Standard JKA Katas wikipedia.org/wiki/Shotokan#Kata

A bit Googling ... πŸ” The PT Karate Federation http://fnkp.pt lists all the clubs/dojos that are members in their annual list: http://fnkp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Lista_Clubes_2018_9Jul19.pdf FlexGym is listed as being a member of AWIKP - Associação Wado Internacional Karate-Do Portugal image http://wadoryu-portugal.com image

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Karate_Federation image

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wad%C5%8D-ry%C5%AB Wadō-ryΕ« is the only style of Karate recognised by WKF that I have not practiced. Wa means "harmony," dō (same character as tao) means "way," and ryΕ« means "school". "Harmony Way School" doesn't sound like it would incur too many broken bones during practice. πŸ˜‰

So I'm keen to give it a try. We would need start at white belt again, but I'm cool with that. #shoshin

Edit: as for the Guis, I'm quite happy to use a "basic" Decathlon one for the first couple of times to not show up "over dressed" in an Adidas Elite Gui on the first day πŸ™„ ... https://www.decathlon.pt/kimono-karate-500-adulto-id_8546403.html image Also having a lighter Gui might be a good idea until fitness is resumed. πŸ˜‰

Even if you don't do/like the Karate, would you pay €30/month for 8 pilates lessons? (€3.75 each)

iteles commented 4 years ago

I would, if I liked the class. But also, who wants to go to the gym at 20h00 at night? πŸ™„ Id like to try it out!

ghost commented 4 years ago

@nelsonic Off course!! Gym and Karate sounds amazing πŸ˜‰

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

@edwardcodes do you have a Kimono ("Gui") for Karate? (if you still have a JiuJitsu one it works) πŸ₯‹ If not, we will visit Decathlon and buy one for you. πŸ‘ Bring your gym clothes and travel towel with you. 🚿 Also, don't discount Pilates for core strength and toning; it's a good precursor to calisthenics ... πŸ’­

iteles commented 4 years ago

We've been going to karate for the past month and it's excellent ❀️