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Plywood for Furniture #123

Open nelsonic opened 4 years ago

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

As you may be aware, we are making almost all of the furniture for the house on-site. Our reasoning for custom-making all the furniture is described in: furniture#why

This issue is intended to capture our quest to find a good supplier of the primary material for constructing our furniture: Plywood https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plywood

There are quite a few suppliers who deliver to our area, this is our shortlist in reverse order:

  1. Leroy Merlin - https://www.leroymerlin.pt/Produtos/Madeiras/Paineis/WPR_REF_18896675 image The price per m2 is "OK", but the quality is not great. The faces are B/C quality. And the boards are often warped. That's fine for "construction" but painful on a high precision laser cutting machine. Also we have no idea where they are produced and how far they have to travel to get to here ... 🤦 Leroy is a French company majority owned by billionaire Gérard Mulliez ($30Bn) so there's a good chance that it's sourced from the cheapest producer and shipped quite far.

  2. MC Madeiras - We placed an order from them last year when building the Maslow CNC: https://github.com/nelsonic/learn-cad-cam-cnc/issues/71 the material was "OK" but had quite a few visible patches; clearly not A-grade (furniture quality). Their main business is importing "exotic" woods as opposed to sheet materials. So I'm not surprised that their Ply wasn't the best. I would use them again for structural wood.

  3. Banema - Is the supplier recommended by Pedro (our 20+ year XP technical carpenter) https://www.banema.pt/pt/catalogo/paineis-de-madeira/contraplacado/betula image The product looks like it's top quality! The only "down side" is that Sveza sveza.com image is made in Russia which means it requires a lot of fossil fuels to transport it to PT ... 😕


Last but not least, the most local of all:

image https://youtu.be/_fq0hMSrWbM

  1. Laminar - produced in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal. less than 65kms from [@home]() Their Plywood is from Eucalyptus trees which grow fast and are well managed. They use FSC certified wood and have an excellent environmental record. https://www.laminarmad.com/en/aplicacoes.php?ap=3#ap image

Spoke to the Owner of the company Vitor Vieira: 937860080 v.vieira@laminarmad.com and he said he can bring over a few samples this week as they have a delivery scheduled for a local manufacturer.

In case you're wondering about the privacy of me including this data in the issue, it's public: https://pt-pt.facebook.com/Laminarmad/photos/lamiply-plus-desenroladocontraplacado-multicamadas-em-v%C3%A1rias-espessurassolicite-/1459036384326420/ image

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

@iteles I've prepared this email to follow up on the telephone conversation I had earlier today. Basically I'm just confirming that I want to request some samples (which obvs I will pay for!) for delivery this week.

Caro Vitor,

Muito obrigado por atender a minha chamada telefônica e esclarecer as minhas dúvidas hoje.

Como lhe disse, estamos interessados em encomendar umas placas de contraplacado para fabrico de mobília personalizada. Pesquisamos os produtos no vosso site e concluímos que o LamiMAT será o mais indicado aos nossos fins: https://www.laminarmad.com/aplicacoes.php?ap=3#ap 

Gostaríamos então de pedir umas amostras do contraplacado conforme o acordado.  O tamanho das placas que quereríamos encomendar é de 2,50 x 1,22 com a grossura de 15mm. Se nos conseguir indicar o preço destas placas, agradecíamos, já que queremos combinar uma entrega o quanto antes.

O nosso endereço é:


Planeamos encomendar várias paletes de contraplacado ao longo dos próximos meses. Temos preferência por um fabricante de alta qualidade nacional já que o nosso fornecedor actual importa as placas do estrangeiro. Precisamos apenas de confirmar a viabilidade financeira.


Nelson Correia <signature>

Please feel free to edit this inline.

iteles commented 4 years ago

👍 Updated the email inline 😊

Would be fantastic to have such a local supplier and be able to support the local economy if it's financially viable!

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

Thanks @iteles ❤️ Sent. ✉️ ✅


Hopefully he gets back to me soon so I can place my order for the first 10 sheets (or whatever the minimum order quantity is...) so I can build the first few items!

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

Just got a call from Vitor saying he will deliver the samples to @home today! 😮 🎉 I will be @home to receive the samples and speak to Vitor about placing our first order.

Note: One of the other suppliers I was considering was Multiplacas: https://multiplacas.pt/produto/multiboard-birch-deco image

Their quality is superb but all their products are imported from Nordic countries. See: https://multiplacas.pt/sobre-nos image

Not that we have anything against Nordic countries, we freakin' LOVE them! 🇩🇰 🇫🇮 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 🇮🇸 ❤️ I just want to pick a supplier that has the lowest environmental footprint including transporting the wood to the manufacturing plant, processing and transporting the finished product to us. If we can minimise the carbon footprint of our furniture and know exactly where the wood comes from how it's processed and who makes our "raw materials" that's a major win! 🏆

nelsonic commented 4 years ago

Next action: attempt to Laser cut one of the "Choupo" (Poplar) samples that Vitor gave us to see how dense it is.

nelsonic commented 3 years ago

As soon as the cart nelsonic/nelsonic.github.io#156 is built (and our PT Co is setup) I will place the order for 20 sheets.

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

Need to visit MultiPlacas and find out how much these sheets are: https://multiplacas.pt/produto/wisa-birch/ image

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

PlacaNobre is based in Braga and has a good-looking laminated Ply https://placanobre.pt/produtos/derivados-de-madeira/contraplacados/betula-wbp-folheado image

https://goo.gl/maps/ndKyLnSdZukSLjh98 image

Still thinking of visiting Multiplacas: https://multiplacas.pt/contactos/ > https://goo.gl/maps/Gh6y8svzvFD6uhQE7 image

And Laminar is in the same area: https://www.laminarmad.com/en/aplicacoes.php?ap=3 image

https://goo.gl/maps/5p9j2kdHJkeGBTJf8 image

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

Called up PlacaNobre and they are open to the public 08:30 - 12:00 and then 14:00 - 18:00 Monday to Friday. 👍 Will need to figure out when I can head there might need to take an hour off work or go 17:30 and hope there's no traffic.

iteles commented 2 years ago

I would probably suggest going during the day because you want to have a proper look around and not be rushed because you got there 5 mins before closing 🤷‍♀️

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

Visited the PlacaNobre warehouse this evening after work. Had a tour of their products with the warehouse manager.


They have a wide variety of sheet materials but only one of them was of any interest to me, "raw" Birch Ply:


The "trade" price is €66.89 per sheet of 2500 x 1250 x 15mm. Thanks to #GlobalSupplyChainShortages ... 🙄

They don't sell the laminated (finished) ply that MultiPlacas has. Going to have to visit Porto for that. 💭

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

https://parklexprodema.com 😍




Via: https://parklexprodema.com/projects/landaburu-borda-country-house/ Watch: https://youtu.be/lghNdYf4tqM?t=747 ❤️

nelsonic commented 1 year ago





Via: https://www.olx.pt/d/anuncio/contraplacado-martimo-contraplacado-cofragem-e-antiderrapante-IDG5Ndx.html

image image
nelsonic commented 1 year ago

https://www.olx.pt/d/anuncio/contraplacado-maritimo-filmado-para-cofragem-IDHif3D.html?isPreviewActive=0&reason=ip%7Ccf image

Sent them a request for quote for 20 panels with delivery to Braga. 🤞

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

Seller of reasonably priced plywood replied: https://www.olx.pt/myaccount/answer/50469cd0-7fd1-471c-aab9-45fd19be63d2/?my_ads=0


"Lamento não fazemos entrega, neste momento, para essa zona. No entanto poderá levantar em Tomar ou contratar uma transportadora para o efeito."



Tomar is a bit far ... 500kms (round trip) to fetch wood feels like a bit of a stretch. 💭

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

Madiplac the supplier mentioned above is 3 mins drive from Multiplacas the other supplier mentioned above ... https://goo.gl/maps/Y5roHmccxzaaC6FfA


It's 16:00 now and takes ~43mins to get there: https://goo.gl/maps/k9DBeGShFBvyRTfbA


@iteles any objections to me heading over there now to do a quick material check and get the order placed?

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

Yesterday I went to both Madiplac:


A 2-person operation with good product but clearly low volume.

Then I went to MultiPlacas (3mins away):


With a 20+ person operation and many more products and scale!



They have "architectural" plywood:


With a transparent hard-wearing PVC layer.

And several other finishes including melamine:



The only downside of MultiPlacas is that they don't currently have a delivery date for us ... ⏳