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Open Window Detection #203

Open nelsonic opened 2 years ago

nelsonic commented 2 years ago

This morning when I got up and came into the main room of the house I noticed that the window facing the road was open ... 😮


Nothing happened. But this is not a risk we want to take ...


Fun fact: "Portugal is the 4th most peaceful country in the world": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Portugal


Went searching for crime stats for Braga and basically there aren't any. This is the raw data on the Official (Instituto Nacional de Estatistica) portal: https://www.ine.pt/xportal/xmain?xpid=INE&xpgid=ine_indicadores&userLoadSave=Load&userTableOrder=10759&tipoSeleccao=0&contexto=pq&selTab=tab1&submitLoad&xlang=pt pt-crime-stats-useless-table

Good luck trying to make sense of the data. Instead of listing absolute numbers for types of crime they list them as a percentage of the average for the country. it's such a weird way of describing the data ... but I guess it can be used as a relative measure to compare between cities. They desperately need a data science + UX professional to re-do their portal and make the visualisations more human-friendly.