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Research: Sauna #224

Open nelsonic opened 1 year ago

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

We planned to get a Sauna since the beginning of the project. good summary of the research: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/topics/sauna

Before the pandemic we ordered an Infrared 3-person Sauna from the same people that built our pool and in March 2020 we paid for it to be delivered and installed. Then lockdown happened, the supplier who we paid the money too closed and never delivered. Long story short: we never got our sauna. 🤦‍♂️ Now 3 years later we’re going to try again.

Dimensions Of Enclosure

sadly, these dimensions a bit restrictive. But it’s what we have to work with.

Todo: Research

Starting point: https://www.quirumed.com/pt/sauna-de-infra-vermelhos-interior-de-3-corpos.html

the sooner we can get this done, the sooner we can finish the pool area. ⏳

nelsonic commented 9 months ago



Edit: added screenshot as the link was shared from my mobile.

nelsonic commented 1 month ago

Sent `piscinasathena.com a contact form request to see if they deliver to PT and they confirmed:

nelsonic commented 1 month ago

Considerably more expensive, but a known/reliable supplier we have used in the past: https://www.quirumed.com/pt/sauna-infra-vermelhos-de-interior-de-2-corpos.html


Fits the space we have available well. (space to spare on the sides, a good thing):


The key difference is that this more expensive one has a built-in "Ionizador de oxigênio" (oxygen ionizer) Why is that a good thing, you ask? It's an air purifier at the molecular level, not a filter that needs to be changed. https://www.goodhealthsaunas.com/buying-guide/what-is-a-sauna-oxygen-ionizer

nelsonic commented 1 month ago


image image

Also includes an ioniser:


Fills the space a bit more forward but has more space on the sides for tidying/storing pool stuff:

nelsonic commented 1 month ago


image image

Dimensions and assembly:

nelsonic commented 1 month ago

If you're reading this wondering what the difference is between Halogen, Ceramic, Carbon, Infra-red, Full Spectrum, etc. Read: https://saunacloud.com/infrared-sauna-heater-comparison/ PDF snapshot in case it disappears for any reason: Different-Types-of-Infrared-Heaters-SaunaHeater-SaunaCloud.pdf