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Attic Spiral Staircase Top Level Guard #250

Open nelsonic opened 1 year ago

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

When I designed the attic spiral staircase https://github.com/dwyl/home/issues/136 the idea was to have a glass protector at the top …


@iteles what is your preference for how this should be covered? I’m thinking we could build a discrete (thin) planter box similar to dwyl/learn-cad-cam-cnc#97 that would serve a dual purpose.

the fact that it’s under a sky light:


Means it gets plenty of natural (indirect) sunlight so will be good for plants and we can do vine that overhangs and fills the space attractively.

Please LMK your thoughts when you can.

IMO: this is the last remaining safety hazard inside the house. So I’d like to get it sorted ASAP. ⏳

nelsonic commented 1 year ago

@iteles it would be good to get your thoughts on this (and get it resolved ASAP...)

iteles commented 1 year ago

I think a thin flower bed would look great! Thin is important though as we don't want it to take up too much of the limited walking space