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Moving all the pool equipment above ground #268

Open iteles opened 5 months ago

iteles commented 5 months ago

The pool equipment has been underground in a very badly built machine room for a couple of years and has all begun to rust and corrode already 🙃

Also, we've never had all the equipment actually working at once.

Sr. Pinheiro

I spoke to Sr. Pinheiro who has said: 'If you're able to get all of the machines above ground, nós pomos isso tudo a funcionar'.

He sounded just as committed as every time he's spoken to us for the last 2 years (excellent salesman) which means I have zero confidence he will actually do anything before September.

What we need to determine is how much we think he will do as part of the work he owes us.

Daniel Oscar

He came out and mentioned a few things (@nelsonic he mostly spoke to you so please add to this list):

He gave us a quote of €1700 to include (in Portuguese so that I can just copy paste this list to send to him to confirm) with the important note that if any piece of equipment is completely non-functional, that is no longer part of this quote:

I asked about the pool lights and he suggested that pretty cheaply we can buy a little remote control and he can set that up for us so we can switch off lights from the house. Also that he could put on a little timer for us.

Estimated 1 week of work.

Carlos Pinheiro seemed to think he was very good. He sent me some photos of past work which seems mostly orderly and neat:

image image image

What could we get 'for free'?

From what I can tell, the only part of this that Sr. Pinheiro's crowd could do as part of the work they owe us are:


Sadly, I think we have to get Daniel to do the bulk of the work and then just rely on Sr. Pinheiro for any malfunctioning equipment and getting the final things sorted like #106 and the outdoor shower (I added it in above but until there are pontos de água, it can't be done).


iteles commented 5 months ago

Spoke to Sr. Pinheiro from the pool people again today.

Unsurprisingly 'they sent the wrong quadro and now they're discontinued but they have an obligation to get one to us', same old same old BS.

But he says they can bring a motor that we're missing so it's something.

I agreed with him he'd come next week (date to be confirmed) and 'get everything working' so that when we move all the machines above ground:

Once I have a date from him, I'll speak to Francisco.

nelsonic commented 4 months ago

Daniel and Pedro visited on Tuesday (7th May) and we agreed what work needs to be done in terms of moving the pool electrical equipment. They will return next Tuesday (14th May) to initiate the work. 📆 🚧

@iteles please get a written price quote from Daniel before he starts the work. 🧾 We don't want a surprise bill at the end of the work. 💸

The BLOCKER on getting the pool fully working again is the Water Source; specifically the well: #79 🔥 I've opened two issues for the tasks that need to be done to get the Water Well sorted: #270 & #271 🙏

nelsonic commented 4 months ago

D&P we’re here today as promised (🤯) and they worked 08:00 - 18:30 to move the electrical systems and pipes to the west wall:


this is not what I thought they were going to do… My understanding was that you had agreed with them that they would move them to ground level for easier access. 💭 @iteles Do you have a paper trail for the agreed work? 🤷‍♂️

not saying what they have done is necessarily “bad” … just not what I was expecting … Daniel said he would organise an RF remote control for the lights so we don’t have to go downstairs to turn them on/off.

nelsonic commented 4 months ago

Emptying the spa revealed the extent of the rust damage from Miguel dropping bits of metal into it while he was welding … 😢


Daniel says there is no product we can use to get the rust “burn” marks off… 😭 Changing the “tela” (vinil layer) will be around €1,200. 💸🤦‍♂️

this probably deserves a separate issue … 💭

nelsonic commented 4 months ago

Separate/dedicated issue for repairing (repainting) the spa liner: https://github.com/dwyl/home/issues/274

iteles commented 4 months ago

WHAT? 100% the work was to move the electrical stuff above ground!!!!! This is ALL we talked about when he came the first time. Did he just forget? W. T. F. It's not about access, it's about how it's absolutely impossible to maintain anything down there, they have to be above ground so they don't all rot in 2 years!!

Why is this comment hidden away 3 comments ago in an issue? Why wasn't I told about this major discrepancy straight away as the work started never mind the end of the first day? Isn't the west wall even further away from ventilation?! We need better systems. 😢 I'm going to have to call him tomorrow.

nelsonic commented 4 months ago

@iteles please come outside tomorrow morning and see what they have done before you get too excited and call them ... Definitely call D to get an update on when they will be back, But put your "work" shoes on and head outside first. 🙏

nelsonic commented 3 months ago

Follow-up issue to get Daniel back to finish the work that is almost complete! https://github.com/dwyl/home/issues/280

iteles commented 3 months ago

Also, you and Daniel agreed on a different solution to the one written up in this issue which I have no visibility of.

I only realised this later and Daniel said he'd give us a cheaper quote as there was less work but I don't think you agreed a number with him before the work started.

nelsonic commented 3 months ago

Inês, “agreed” is a very strong word in this context. Daniel said it was going to cost significantly more than his original estimate to move all the pumps & electrical consumer units above ground and the benefit did not justify the cost if we are eliminating the hatch that caused the excessive humidity.

nelsonic commented 3 months ago

As far as I’m concerned if he finishes the work and gets everything running again (including the pool cover) the original quote is a bargain. We just need him to come back ASAP and finish the work!! ⏳

iteles commented 3 months ago

Quite. But if he destroys the pool motor and then ghosts us, not great.

nelsonic commented 3 months ago

Inês, all of this is totally moot if you just take 20 seconds to come downstairs to the machine room.

iteles commented 3 months ago

Latest on this:

The salt machines that were moved further away from the humid areas are BOTH not working now and are about €1500 a piece. Of course Daniel says it broke on its own from the humidity and not from the move. Daniel will check this at the end of the week and we can reconvene on what to do.

nelsonic commented 3 months ago

@iteles thanks for the update. could you please check with D if he needs payment for all the work he has done and now equipment installed. Feels like he's doing a lot of work on "spec" and should be paid for at least some of it so he can pay his people/suppliers. 💰 💭